(1 山东省海洋生物研究院 青岛 266104;2山东省疾病预防控制中心 济南250014)
摘要:在水温7.0~19.5℃和盐度28.7~30.9的养殖环境下,将仿刺参( Apostichopus japonicus)和海黍子(Sargassum muticum)混养在1 m3 水体中,研究在一定养殖空间内刺参-海黍子适宜的养殖容量和密度及其对水质的影响。仿刺参平均湿重(25.21.21)g;养殖密度,A1~A3组:600 g/m3,B4~ B6组:400 g/m3,C7~C9组:200 g/m3。海黍子养殖密度,A1、B4、C7组:0 g/m3,A2、B5、C8组:1 000 g/m3,A3、B6、C9组:2 000 g/m3。结果显示:(1)A1、B4组仿刺参的平均日增重率(Mdwg)和特定生长率(SGR)最小;C8和C9组仿刺参的Mdwg和SGR最大;A2组海黍子的SGR最大;C9组海黍子SGR最小;(2)A1、B4组NH4+-N、NO2--N、NO3--N和PO4--P含量较高;A3、B6、C9组各营养因子含量较低。研究表明:海黍子能吸收水体中的营养因子,其密度显著影响仿刺参的生长(P<0.05)。本试验条件下,C8、C9组搭配比较合适,生态互利效果最好。
Effects of seaweed Sargassum muticum on growth of sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) and some water environmental factors
WANG Zhigang1, HU Fanguang1, WEI Qinggang2, GUO Pingping1, SUN Fuxin1, WU Zhihong1, SONG Xianli1, WANG Baoting1, PANG Shaonan
(1 Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao 266014, China;
2 Disease Prevention and Control Centre of Shandong Province, Jinan 250014, China)
Abstract: At water temperature of 7.0-19.5℃, and a salinity of 28.7-30.9, sea cucumber (Apostichopus japonicus) with body weight of (25.21.21) g and seaweed (Sargassum muticum) were reared in a 1 m3 tank at various initial densities including 200, 400 and 600 g/m3 for sea cucumber and 0, 1000 and 2000 g/m3 for seaweed to study the appropriate farming capacity and density of sea cucumber and seaweed in certain water volume, and the effects on water environmental factors. The results showed that the mean daily weight gain rate (Mdwg) and specific growth rate( SGR) of sea cucumber and seaweed were significantly affected by their density(P<0.05). The minimal Mdwg and SGR of sea cucumber were observed in the group A1, B4。 While the maximal Mdwg and SGR were found at groups of C8 and C9. The maximal SGR of seaweed was observed at group A2, and the minimal SGR of seaweed found at group C9. NH4 + -N, NO3-- N, NO2--N and PO4--P contents in the water were affected significantly by the densities of sea cucumber and eaweed (P <0.05). There were relatively high NH4+-N、NO3-- N, NO2--N and PO4--P contents in the water in groups of A1, B4. The low nutrient levels were found at groups of A3,B6 and C9. The results indicated that seaweed (Sargassum muticum) could fully utilize the nutrients in the water and the density played a significant effect on sea cucumber growth (P <0.05). In this experiment, the group of C8 (Apostichopus japonicus: 200 g/m3; Sargassum muticum: 1000 g/m3) and C9 (Apostichopus japonicus: 200 g/m3; Sargassum muticum: 2000 g/m3) is recommended due to the better ecological and growth effects.
Key words: Sargassum muticum; Apostichopus japonicus; average daily weight gain rate; specific growth rate