白晓磊,邢立苹,姜忠爱,母 刚,李秀辰
(大连海洋大学辽宁省渔业装备工程技术研究中心,辽宁 大连 116023)
摘要:为研究电解絮凝采收微藻的效果和工艺条件,本文研制了一套试验用电解絮凝采收微藻的设备,以采收率和浓缩倍数为指标,探索电解絮凝采收微藻的最佳工艺条件。在不同电极插入深度与藻液体积的比值、pH、极板间距、通电时间和极板电压条件下进行单因素试验,并在此基础上对pH、极板间距和极板电压3因素进行正交试验。单因素试验结果表明,当电极板插入深度与藻液体积的比值为22.0~37.5 /m2、pH 7.00~9.00、极板间距5.0~9.0 cm、通电时间20~30 min、极板电压12~14V时,较有利于小球藻的电解絮凝采收;正交试验结果表明,藻液pH对小球藻的电解絮凝作用显著,影响次序依次为藻液pH>极板电压>极板间距,最佳工艺条件为pH9.00、极板电压13 V、极板间距5.0~7.0 cm,采收率可达80%以上。
Research on the major technical parameters of electrocoagulation for marine Chlorella vulgaris
BAI Xiaolei, XING Liling, JIANG Zhongai, MU Gang, LI Xiuchen
(Center of Fisheries Equipment and Engineering of Liaoning Province, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023,China)
Abstract: A set of test equipment used for microalgae electrocoagulation was designed and developed, and the parameters of recovery ratio and enrich ratio were taken as indexes to find out the optimum technical paremeters for microalgae electrocoagulation. The single factor experiment was conducted under different ratio of electrode insertion depth and algae liquid volume, pH, electrode distance, electrolyzing time and electrolyzing voltage, and the orthogonal tests were carried out on three factors of pH, electrode distance and electrolyzing voltage based on the single factor experiment results. Results of single factor experiments showed that higher recovery of Chlorella vulgaris could be achieved when the ratio of electrode height and algae volume, pH, electrode distances, electrolyzing time and voltage were respectively set at 22.0~37.5 m-2, 7.00~9.00, 5.0~9.0 cm, 20~30 min and 12~14 V. Results of orthogonal experiment showed that the effect of pH on electrocoagulation of Chlorella vulgaris was significant and the influence degree on Chlorella vulgaris removal followed the sequence of pH, electrolyzing voltage, electrode distance. So the optimal condition was pH of 9.00, electrolyzing voltage of 13V and electrode distance of 5.0-7.0cm, and the recovery ratio of Chlorella vulgaris reach more than 80 %.
Key words: Chlorella vulgaris, electrocoagulation, recovery ratio, enrichment ratio.