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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2015-01-05 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

张光发1,黄亚南1,梁 峻2,陈 勇1,邓长辉1
(1 大连海洋大学,辽宁 大连 116023;
2 獐子岛集团股份有限公司,辽宁 大连 116001)

摘要:本文基于静力假定对外海延绳式浮筏养殖设施的系统受力及其失效模式进行了分析,计算了不同波高(1~7 m)条件下养殖装置海底桩绳的最大张力,再根据桩绳的断裂强度以及锚桩的海底抓力,对养殖装置的抗风浪能力进行了估算,建立了外海延绳式浮筏养殖设施的抗风浪能力估算模型。利用该模型对架设于獐子岛海域30 m水深的2种规格的浮筏养殖设施进行了抗风浪能力分析。结果显示,主绳长300 m和200 m的筏架系统,在1.5 m/s流速的海域中,其抗风浪能力分别为5~6级海浪(对应风级7~8级)和6~7级海浪(对应风级8~9级)。通过与实测值比较,桩绳最大张力的计算结果与实测值吻合较好,筏架系统抗风浪能力的估算值与实际事故报告的情况相一致。在外海延绳式浮筏养殖设施的初步设计阶段,可参考该模型选择养殖装置的结构尺度。


Research on method of evaluating anti-wave ability of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facility
ZHANG Guangfa1, HUANG Yanan1, LIANG Jun2, CHEN Yong1, DENG Changhui1
(1 Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;
2 Zhangzidao Group CO. LTD, Dalian 116001, China)

Abstract: Based on statics and under simplified conditions, the force and failure mode of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facility system were analyzed, and maximum tensions of the mooring rope in the system in different sea wave heights were calculated to compared to its breaking strength and mooring force of anchoring stake for evaluating anti-wave ability of the aquaculture facility. By this method, the model of evaluating anti-wave ability of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facility was established. As an instance, the anti-wave abilities of two scales of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facilities erected in 30 meters deep sea waters of Zhangzidao culture sea area were analyzed by using the evaluation method and model. The results of the theory analysis show that the anti-wave abilities of the two scales (300m and 200m main rope length) of aquaculture facilities system were respectively 5~6 level of sea wave (7~8 Beaufort wind scale) and 6~7 level of sea wave (8~9 Beaufort wind scale) in 1.5m/s sea current. By comparison, the value of calculation is good to worth with actual measurement. Thus the method and model of evaluating anti-wave ability of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facility could be referenced for designing the scales of deepwater long-line rope aquaculture facility In the preliminary design stage.

Key words: deepwater long-line aquaculture facility;anti-wave ability;hydrodynamic




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