翟雅男1,范长健1,2,李 媛1,海热提1,王晓慧1,石红1,李盛盛3
(1 北京化工大学,北京市水处理环保材料工程技术研究中心,北京 100029;
2 中国公路车辆机械有限公司,北京 100023;
3 舟山市环境保护局,浙江 舟山 316021)
摘要:采用一体式膜生物反应器(MBR)处理水产养殖废水,对处理过程中MBR膜污染的特征进行研究。首先,选取污泥浓度(MLSS)、水力停留时间(HRT)和曝气量这3个与膜污染有密切关系的变量,通过组合优化,研究操作条件对膜污染的影响,并确定最佳操作条件;其次,在最优化参数组合情况下,通过长期稳定运行,确定膜压增长特点;最后,通过膜阻力分布分析,得出造成膜污染的最主要原因。结果显示,对膜污染的贡献依次为:曝气量>HRT>MLSS;最佳的操作参数组合为曝气量437.5 L/h,HRT 4.25 h,MLSS浓度2.2 g/L;长期稳定运行过程中,发现膜压增长呈现出快速增长、平稳增长、急剧增长的3个阶段;通过膜阻力分布分析,得出由胞外聚合物(EPS)和微生物代谢产物(SMP)形成的吸附性膜孔阻塞是造成膜污染的最主要原因。因此,优化操作条件和减少混合液中EPS和SMP是减轻膜污染的重要手段。
Research on membrane fouling characteristics of the integrated MBR applied to aquacultural wastewater
ZHAI Yanan1,FAN Changjian1,2, LI Yua1, Haireti1, WANG Xiaohui1,SHI Hong1,LI Shengsheng3
(1 Beijing University of Chemical Technology, Beijing Engineering Research Center of Environmental Material
for Water Purification, Beijing, 100029;
2 China Highway Vehicle Machinery Co., Ltd, Beijing 100023;
3 Zhoushan Municipal Environmental Protection Bureau, Zhejiang 316021.)
Abstract: In order to study on the characteristics of membrane fouling, the integrated membrane bioreactor (MBR) is applied to treat aquaculture wastewater. First, hydraulic retention time (HRT), aeration quantity and mixed liquid suspended solid (MLSS) which have close relationship with membrane fouling are chosen to research the influence of operating conditions on membrane fouling through combinatorial optimization and then confirm the optimal operational condition. Second, determine the growth characteristics of membrane pressure through a long-term stable operation with the optimal parameter combinations. Finally, analyze the contributions of membrane resistance and then get the main cause of membrane fouling .The results show that influence degree of the parameters is, in order, aeration quantity, HRT, MLSS. Under this experimental condition, 437.5L/h for aeration quantity, 4.25h for HRT, 2.2 g/L for sludge concentration is the optimal parameters. With a long-term stable operation, it is found that the increase of membrane pressure presents three stages, including rapid growth ,steady growth and sharp increase. By analysis distribution of the membrane resistance, absorption film pollution caused by extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) and soluble microbial products (SMP) is the main reason for membrane fouling. Therefore, to reduce the influence of EPS as well as SMP and to optimize operation conditions are essential.
Key words: integrated membrane bioreactor; membrane fouling; optimization; aquacultural wastewater