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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2014-10-30 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

王璋奇,黄增浩,陈继生,葛永庆,田 锰
(华北电力大学,河北 保定 071003)




Design of ZigBee-based group controlling automatic feeding device for shrimp farming
WANG Zhangqi, HUANG Zenghao, CHEN Jisheng, TIAN Meng
(North China Electrical Power University, Baoding 071003, China)

Abstract:To solve the problem of automatic feeding for shrimp farming, an automatic feeding device is designed. Firstly, three schemes of the feeding devices driving along bank automatically, including noncontact positioning, range positioning and contact positioning, are put forward, and the advantages and disadvantages of each scheme are analyzed and compared. Secondly, under the determined scheme, the system structure is designed, which contains two parts: guy wire and feeding device; the guy wire part fulfills driving along bank automatically function of the feeding device and the feeding part accomplishes the feeding work. Lastly, variant weight sensor and microcontroller are employed to develop the controlling system of the device, to achieve timing and quantitative feeding control.Moreover, the emerging ZigBee wireless network communication technology is adopted to monitor the remaining fodder mass and battery voltage level of the device. The experiment results indicate that the system works reliably and can satisfy the requirements of practical application.

Key words: ZigBee technology; shrimp farming; automatic control; aquaculture




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