(山东省海洋生物研究院,山东青岛 266002)
摘要:为研究在饲料中添加不同剂量的枯草芽孢杆菌制剂对大菱鲆生长及养殖水环境的影响,选用从健康大菱鲆鱼体肠道分离培养的同源枯草芽孢杆菌制成的饲料添加剂(活菌数2.0×109 CFU/g),分别按照0‰(对照组)、5‰、10‰和15‰添加量对大菱鲆进行促生长及养殖水环境影响的研究。结果显示:与对照组相比,5‰持续投喂20 d、40 d、60 d饲料系数分别降低10.3%、5.9%和升高5.8%;蛋白质效率分别提高12.1%、4.4%和降低4.4%;增重率分别提高4.4 %和降低14.6%、10.7%;10‰组、15‰组饲料系数均大于对照组;蛋白质效率、增重率均低于对照组(P<0.05)。第60天时,5‰组NH4+-N、NO2—-N、NO3--N浓度值比对照组分别降低43.5%、62.5%、40.8%;10‰组比对照组分别降低42.5%、68.5%、46.4%;15‰组比对照组分别降低45.9%、66.1%、51.1%(P<0.05)。研究表明,5‰组对大菱鲆促生长效果优于其他试验组,5‰、10‰、15‰组能够显著降低养殖水体中的NH4+-N、NO2—-N、NO3—-N浓度。
Study on the impact of Bacillus Subtilis on growth and water quality of Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)
HU Fanguang, GUO Pingping, MA Danping,WU Zhihong, SUN Fuxin, WANG Zhigang
(Marine Biology Institute of Shandong Province, Qingdao, 266002 China)
Abstract: To study the impact of different doses of Bacillus subtilis in promoting Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)growth and aquaculture water environment,the experiment explored the feasibility of its application by using feed additives (viable cells number 2.0×109 CFU/g )made from homologous Bacillus Subtilis which were isolated from Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)intestinal, 0‰, 5‰, 10‰ and 15‰ dosages in promoting Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)growth were studied. The experiment showed: compared with the control group, after fed 20days, 40day and 60day with 5‰ additives, feed coefficient reduced by 10.3%, 5.9%,-5.8% respectively, protein efficiency ratio increased by 12.1%, 4.4%, -4.4% respectively, weight gain rate increased by 4.4 %, -14.6%, -10.7% respectively; as to the groups which were fed with 10‰ and 15‰ additives, feed coefficient was higher than the control group, protein efficiency ration and weight gain rate was lower than the control group(P<0.05);compared with the control group, at the 60th day, NH4+-N、NO2+-N、NO3—N concentration was reduced by 43.5%、62.5%、40.8% in 5‰ group, 42.5%, 68.5%, 46.4% in 10‰ group, 45.9%, 66.1%, 51.1%(P<0.05)in 15‰ group. The result shows: Scophthalmus maximus(Linnaeus)grows better with 5‰Bacillus Subtilis, NH4+-N, NO2—-N, NO3—-N concentration can be reduced remarkably if 5‰, 10‰, 15‰ additives are added in aquaculture water volume.
Key words: Bacillus Subtilis, feed coefficient, protein efficiency ratio, Scophthalmus maximus, aquaculture