陈 彪,袁 琦
(海南大学机电工程学院,海南海口 570228)
摘要:为解决水产养殖中有线监测的布线难、供电难、成本高等难题,并使系统实现对水产养殖环境因子进行实时采集、处理和无线传输,设计了一种基于ZigBee的水产养殖环境因子监测系统。该系统通过数据采集模块,完成参数的采集和处理,并将数据传输到路由节点;路由节点采用自组织的方式将数据传输到汇聚节点,并通过RS232将数据上传至服务器。对数据采集进行了通信距离和掉包率试验。结果表明,在通信距离≤1 500 m时,数据传输良好,通信稳定;在雨天,通信距离1 600 m时掉包率达到51.1%;在晴天,通信距离为1700 m时,掉包率达到54.3%,系统均不能正常采集。本系统实现了实时数据显示和数据历史查询,能够完成水产养殖过程中的环境监测。
Development and test of aquaculture environmental monitoring system
based on ZigBee
( College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Hainan University, Haikou 570228, China )
Abstract: In order to resolve the difficulty in cable laying, power supply and high cost, to achieve real-time acquisition, processing and wireless transmission on aquaculture environmental factors, the article designs a system based on ZigBee to monitoring environment of Aquaculture. The system collects and processes the parameters by data acquisition module and transfers data to the routing node, then the routing node uses self-organizing way to transfer data to the sink node, at last, the data will be transmitted to the computer control center via RS232. By making the experiment on communication distance and replace rate in data acquisition, experimental results show that: data can be transmitted well and communication is stable ≤1 500 m. On rainy days, substitution rate is 51.1% in 1 600 m and on sunny days is 54.3% in 1700 m, that means the system can't work. This system has realized the data’s real-time display and historical data query, so it can complete the environmental monitoring in the process of aquaculture and meets people's requirements.
Keywords: ZigBee; Aquiculture; environmental monitoring; King View
作者简介:陈彪(1989—),男,硕士研究生,研究方向:热带生产过程的监测与控制。E-mail: 524570250@qq.com
通信作者:袁琦(1966—),男,副教授,硕士,研究方向:智能检测与控制。E-mail: hainuyq@163.com