白秀娟,侯 刚,卢伙胜,冯 波
(广东海洋大学水产学院,广东 湛江 524088)
摘要:为研究不同温度条件下文昌鱼对铜离子(Cu2+)和锌离子(Zn2+)的耐受性。通过净水急性毒性试验,获得了12℃、18℃、24℃、30℃和36℃条件下水中Cu2+和Zn2+对文昌鱼的24 h半致死浓度(24 h LC50)。Cu2+的24 h LC50分别为0.88,0.95,0.9,0.8,0.68 mg/L;Zn2+为4.26,4.26,4,3.8,3.67 mg/L。通过比较不同温度条件下的24 h LC50,找到文昌鱼比较适合生活的水温为18℃;相同温度条件下,Cu2+对文昌鱼的24 h LC50远低于Zn2+对文昌鱼的24 h LC50,说明Cu2+对文昌鱼的毒性远大于Zn2+对文昌鱼的毒性。在试验水温范围内,超过18℃,水温越高,文昌鱼出砂率越高,存活率降低;Cu2+和Zn2+浓度越高,文昌鱼出砂率越高,存活率越低。
Study on tolerance of the Branchiostoma belcheri to Cu2+ and Zn2+ under different temperature
(Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524088, China)
BAI Xiujuan,HOU Gang,LU Huosheng,FENG Bo
Abstract: To study the tolerance of the Branchiostoma belcheri in the Cu2+ and Zn2+ water under different temperature.water. Through the acute toxicity testing ,we found the 24h median lethal concentration(24h LC50) of the Branchiostoma belcheri in the Cu2+ water under the temperature of 12℃、18℃、24℃、30℃ and 36℃.It was 0.88mg/L、0.95 mg/L、0.9 mg/L、0.8 mg/L and 0.68 mg/L. And the 24h LC50 of the Branchiostoma belcheri in the Zn2+ water under the temperature of 12℃、18℃、24℃、30℃ and 36℃ was 4.26 mg/L、4.26 mg/L、4 mg/L、3.8 mg/L and 3.67 mg/L respectively. To compare of the 24h LC50 under different temperature, to find the most suitable temperature was 18℃ for the Branchiostoma belcheri. The 24h LC50 of Branchiostoma belcheri in the Cu2+ water far less than the 24h LC50 of Branchiostoma belcheri in the Zn2+ water. The 24h LC50 smaller values greater toxicity. We could infer the oxicity of the Cu2+ more than the Zn2+. When the temperature higher than 18℃.The Branchiostoma belcheri got out from the sand more and more and the survival rate lower when the temperature higher and higher. The concentration of Cu2+ and Zn2+ is higher the survival rate of the Branchiostoma belcheri is lower and the Branchiostoma belcheri got out from the sand more and more.
Key words: Branchiostoma belcheri; Cu2+;Zn2+; tolerance; temperature