谭 围,王荣霞,陈傅晓,曾关琼,罗 鸣,蒲利云,隋昕融,刘龙龙
(海南省海洋与渔业科学院,海南 海口 570203)
Induced breeding technology of Siganus guttatus in outdoor large cement pool
TAN Wei, WANG Rongxia, CHEN Fuxiao, ZENG Guanqiong, LUO Ming, PU Liyun, SUI Xinrong, LIU Longlong
(Hainan Academy of Oceanographic and Fishery Sciences, Haikou 570203, China)
Abstract: In order to increase breeding survival rate and get stable breeding results, the breeding trial of Siganus guttatus in outdoor cement pool was carried out, in which the running water unit with constant temperature was used to improve the incubation facilities and shielding facilities were applied to maintain stable breeding water environment in outdoor large cement pool. The results showed that the hatching rate of Siganus guttatus was effectively increased with the hatching rate of 89.4%, 92.1% and 91.2% in three batches, while it was less than 80% in the traditional way. 82,000(3.8 cm in total length), 174,000 (3.5 cm in total length) and 179,000 (3.4 cm in total length) fries were gained in the three batches, with the breeding survival of 23.5%, 30.4% and 28.5% respectively. The results of the trail indicated that the new breeding model of outdoor cement pool avoided the disadvantages of low seed production volume in indoor cement pool system and uncontrollable environments of traditional pond breeding system, and had the characteristics of stable and sufficient seed supply, easy for operation.
Key words: Siganus guttatus; outdoor cement pools; artificial breeding