袁永明,袁 媛,张红燕,代云云,贺艳辉,龚赟翀
农业部淡水渔业和种质资源利用重点实验室,江苏 无锡 214081)
Design and development of internet of things services system
on fishery sector
YUAN Yongming,YUAN Yuan,ZHANG Hongyan,DAI Yunyun, HE Yanhui,GONG Yunchong
(Freshwater Fisheries Research Center of Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Tilapia industrial Research Center of China Agriculture Research System (CARS49), Key Laboratory of Freshwater Fisheries and Germplasm Resources Utilization of Ministry of Agriculture , Wuxi 214081,China)
Abstract:The Internet of things technology has being applied to fishery sector , however there are so many factors effecting the speed of application. Those constraints include understanding of mode changes of digitalilzed farming operation, the high capital and maintenance costs of fisheries used equipment, the poor market sensing device and production facilities with unreliable measuring data, and lacking of technology on suitable intelligent decision making and farming engineering. This paper introduces the design concept, function and implementation method of Internet of Things Service System for reasons of seting up intelligent management system of fishery business quickly and economy, it will meet the needs of the different farming, processing, marketing and relevant service without constraints..
Key words:internet of things;fishery sector;intelligent management