陈柏松1,孙英泽1,胡 婧1,欧阳海鹰1,闫 雪1,付 卓2
(1 中国水产科学研究院信息与经济研究中心,北京 100141;2 环境保护部卫星环境应用中心,北京100094)
摘要:提出了一种基于手机拍照测量技术的黄鳝(Monopterus albus)体长测定方法:只要用手机的手写笔作为尺寸参照物放在黄鳝旁边,即可通过拍照测定其体长;得到体长后可通过黄鳝体长—体重的回归模型进行体重估算。研究发现:体长—体重回归模型在估算较大的黄鳝时存在较大的误差,因此提出一种基于杠杆原理的利用手机手写笔作为秤杆来准确测量黄鳝体重的方法,最后将上述方法及模型集成到安卓手机软件中,构建了一个基于安卓手机的黄鳝体长、体重及肥满度的测定系统。结果表明:该系统测定体长、体重及肥满度的相对误差分别为1%、4.9%及5%;该系统可准确、方便、无损地测量黄鳝体长、体重及肥满度等参数。
Body length, weight and condition factor measurements for fish using android smartphone
CHEN Baisong1, SUN Yingze1, HU Jing1, OUYANG Haiying1, YAN Xue1, FU Zhuo2
(1 Research Center of Information and Economy, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Beijing 100141, China;
2 Satellite Environmental Application Center, Ministry of Environmental Protection of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 100029, China)
Abstract:The body length, weight and condition factor of fishes (especially eels) are significant parameters in their wild resources survey, growth rate monitoring in culture as well as their classifications for market transactions. In order to develop a smartphone-based method to measure these parameters, in this paper, a method for body length measurement for the swamp eel based on photogrammetry technology integrated into a smart phone was proposed. The length of a swamp eel can be easily measured by simply placing a smart phone stylus as a size reference beside it and then taking their photo. After getting the body length of a swamp eel, its weight can be estimated via the length-weight model. Yet large errors were found in estimating the weight for large eels using the body length-weight models. Therefore, an accurate weighing method using mobile phone stylus as a weigh beam based on lever principle was proposed. An Android phone-based system was built for body length, weight and condition factor measurements for swamp eel by integrating the above methods and models to an Android application. Experimental results showed that the relative measurement errors for body length, weight and condition factor were 1.0%, 4.9% and 5.0%, respectively. This system can provide accurate, convenient, non-destructive measurements of the body length, weight as well as condition factor for swamp eel.
Key words: mobile phone; swamp eel (Monopterus albus); body length; weight; condition factor; measurement