(1 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070;2 华中农业大学食品科技学院,武汉 430070)
摘要:为保证鱼在高密度长途运输过程中的存活,需将水体的pH值、DO、温度等参数控制在一个合适的范围内。为此研究了一套活鱼运输箱自动监控系统:使用检测仪器和传感器测定主要水质参数;通过过滤系统清除运输过程中鱼的排泄物以控制pH值,通过增氧泵及复合增氧剂控制水的溶氧量,通过冷热水机组控制水的温度。最终确定了集装箱式冷水性鱼类活鱼运输的操作规程为:挑选、暂养、预冷、装箱、运输、复温。试验结果表明:经过挑选与暂养、预冷后,在鱼水比为1:2的高密度活鱼运输箱中,可以将水体温度控制在7℃以下,温度变化速度<2℃/h,溶氧量8~13 mg/L,pH值6.5~8,运输时间超过72 h,鱼的存活率可达95%。
Automatic water quality monitoring system of live fish transport tank
HONG Yuanqian1, HU Yuelai1, HUANG Hanying1, ZHAO Siming2, WANG Guan2, XIONG Shanbai2
(1 College of Engineering and Technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070 china;
2 College of food science and technology, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, 430070 china )
Abstract: In order to ensure the survival of the fish, the pH, dissolved oxygen, temperature and other parameters should be controlled in a suitable range in the process of long-distance transportation of high density. This article describes an automatic monitoring system,using pH meters dissolved oxygen analyzer and temperature sensor to detect related parameters respectively. During the transportation process, the fish excrement was cleared by a filter system, which helped to control the Ph. The Dissolved oxygen in water was controlled by an oxygen pump and a composite oxygen-increasing agent. Also, the water temperature was controlled through the chiller water system .through tests, the operational rules of container transportation of live fish were determined as follow: appraisal, temporary culture, pre-cool, encasement, transport, re-warming. The results showed that after appraisal and temporary culture, the survival rate of fish can reach as high as 95% after 72hour’s transportation under the condition of a 1:2 mass rate of water to fish, pH 6.5~8 , the temperature controlled at 7℃ and the temperature change rate is less than 2℃/h, dissolved oxygen content of 8~13mg/L.
Key words: PLC; Live fish transport; Water quality monitoring;1:1 mass rate of water to fish; survival