刘世晶,陈 军,刘兴国,汤涛林,唐 荣
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘要:集中式养殖水质在线监测是目前池塘养殖应用比较广泛的水质检测技术之一,但由于检测方式发生改变,被检测水体经过管道输送后,水质参数可能发生变化,造成额外误差。本文利用对比试验,以直接采样方式获得的水质数据作为参考值,通过对比分析不同采样管路下的水质数据,证明取样管道长度对pH、氧化还原电位等水质指标检测结果影响不明显,对温度、溶解氧等水质指标检测结果有一定影响;设备连续运行时间长短对温度、pH等水质指标检测结果影响不明显,对溶解氧、氧化还原电位有明显影响。在此基础上,提出集中式水质在线监测系统,当水泵功率在300 W左右时,最佳采样距离不要超过80 m。
The measuring error of impact factor analysis for the centralized aquaculture water quality online monitoring system
Liu Shijing, CHEN Jun, LIU Xingguo, TANG Taolin, TANG Rong
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Sciences,
Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092,China)
Abstract: the centralized aquaculture water quality online monitoring system, which is widely used one of water quality detection technology in the pond farming。However, due to the change of the corresponding detection way, after a pipeline of the tested water body, the water quality parameters may be changed, which may cause extra errors . The experimental result shows that the length of sampling pipe has no obvious influence on such water quality index detection result as pH value and oxidation-reduction potential, and the influence on such physical water quality detection result as temperature and dissolved oxygen is obvious ;And the time of equipment continuous operation has no obvious influence on such water quality index detection result as temperature and pH value, and the influence on such water quality detection result as dissolved oxygen and oxidation-reduction potential is obvious .
Key words:centralized water quality monitoring; sampling ; impact factor; correction; aquaculture