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作者:陈傅晓(1971—),男,高级工程师,研究方向:水产增养殖。E-mail:cfx69@163.com (来源:《渔业现代化》2012,40(1):26-31)    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2013-03-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(海南省水产研究所,海南 海口 570206)

摘要:2011—2012年在海南琼海进行远海梭子蟹(Portunus pelagicus)亲蟹培育、人工育苗及稚蟹中间培育技术研究。结果表明,亲蟹培育平均成活率和抱卵率分别为94.05%和85.61%。在水温28.5~29.6℃的条件下,从第1期溞状幼体发育变态至仔蟹期约需10~14 d,投放溞状幼体625.29万只,培育出大眼幼体100.12万只,成活率为16.01%,培育成仔蟹苗20.25万只,育苗成活率为3.24%。经过中间培育获得1.0 cm的蟹苗10.46万只,成活率达51.65%。


Study on the artificial breeding and juvenile nursery of Portunus pelagicus
PU Li-yun, CHEN Fu-xiao, TAN Wei, ZENG Guan-qiong, SUI Xin-rong, LUO Ming, LIU Long-long
( Hainan Fishery Institute, Haikou 570206, china )

Abstract:The study mainly involved about the cultivation of parent crab, artificial breeding and juvenile nursery of portunus pelagicus in the outdoor concrete ponds. The results showed the average survival rate of cultured crab is 94.05%, and the egg-holding rate of crab is 85.61%. It needed 10~14 days at 28.5~29.5℃ when the Portunus pelagicus grow from Zoea-1 to crab larvas. During the raising fry period, 6 252 900 tails of Zoea-1 were bred up to 1 001 200 megalopa and 202 500 crab larvas, and the survival rate is 16.01% and 3.24% respectively. The Juvenile Nursery (the shell length to 1cm) crab larvas were bred up to crab 104600, and the survival rate is 51.65%.

Key words: Portunus pelagicus, Cultivation of Parent Crab, Artificial Breeding, Juvenile Nursery.





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