王金秋1,罗武松1,高 峰2,秦志浩2,徐 洋1,许 耀1
(1 复旦大学生命科学学院,遗传学研究所,遗传学国家重点实验室,上海 200433;
2 上海四鳃鲈水产科技发展有限公司,上海 200433)
摘要:淞江鲈(Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel 1840)是一种降海洄游性鱼类,如今在上海内河水系已难见踪迹,为查明长江口水域淞江鲈野生种群是否存在,开展了此项研究。2011年5月,采用拖网方式采得淞江鲈鱼苗51尾;采用淞江鲈工厂化养殖管桶系统模式进行驯养、繁殖和成鱼养殖,至5月底存活40尾,成活率为78.4%,平均全长由(2.9±0.3)cm增长至(3.5±0.3)cm,增长率为20.7%;至10月中旬养成29尾,成活率为72.5%,平均全长为(9.1±1.2)cm,增长率为160.0%。这些成鱼有11对培育成熟用于繁殖,成熟率为75.9%。自行有效产卵6窝,产卵率为54.5%,总产卵量为26 616粒,平均窝卵数为(4 436±647)粒;孵出水花鱼苗24 100尾,孵化率达90.5%。该研究结果表明,目前在东海长江口杭州湾水域,仍有淞江鲈野生种群存在,本研究繁殖的后代原种可作为该种群研究和放流之用。
Collection and artificial propagation study of wild native roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel) population from the estuary of Changjiang River
WANG Jin-qiu1, LUO Wu-song1, GAO Feng2, QIN Zhi-hao2, Xu Yang1, Xu Yao1
( 1 School of Life Sciences, Institute of Genetics, State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China; 2 Shanghai Sisailu Fishery Science & Technology Development Co. , Ltd, Shanghai 200433, China )
Abstract: Roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus Heckel) which belongs to Cottidae Scorpaeniformes, is a small carnivorous descending river migratory fish dwelling on the bottom of warm water. Historically, it was widely distributed along the coastlines of the Bohai Sea, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea, as well as in rivers connected to seas. Especially, the Songjiang County at the estuary of Changjiang River was well-known for the fish. However, no traces of roughskin sculpin could be found in Shanghai’s inland river systems any more today; even around the estuary of Changjiang River, its tidings are scarce. The survival condition of roughskin sculpin in the Shanghai region has been for many years under the spotlight. To this end, we carried out the on-the-spot investigation and related studies of the wild population of the species at the estuary of Changjiang River in the East China Sea. On May in the year 2011, we caught 51 fish fries in this area by trawl, which were transported in nylon bags filled with pure oxygen gas to the breeding workshop of Shanghai Songjiang Roughskin Sculpin Original Seed Corporation Limited. Till the end of May, 40 of them survived after domestication, with a survival rate of 78.4%; the average length increased from 2.9±0.3 cm to 3.5±0.3 cm, the growth rate was 20.7%. Since June, the adult fish culture began, 29 among them lived to the middle of October, the survival rate was 72.5%; the average length by middle October increased to 9.1±1.2 cm, the growth rate was 160.0%. All of the survived ones were to undergo cultivation as reserve parent fish, 11 pairs succeeded in gonadal maturation and were able to join in group breeding, and the cultivational rate was 75.9%. 6 nests spawned effectively on their own accord, with the spawning rate of 54.5%; averagely 4 436±647 eggs per nest were obtained, so the total eggs number might be 26 616; 24 100 spray fish fries were hatched; the hatching rate arrived at 90.5%. This research indicates that wild roughskin sculpin population still exists in the waters of the estuary of Changjiang River and the Hangzhou Bay in the East China Sea. Only as a result of its migratory pathway being blocked can we no longer have it in Shanghai’s inland water system. Meanwhile, this wild population has already produced quantities of offsprings under the conditions of artificial control, which would well meet the requirements of future scientific studies and reproduction for releasing.
Key words: estuary of Changjiang River; roughskin sculpin (Trachidermus fasciatus); wild population; artificial propagation
作者简介:王金秋(1962—),女,副教授,博士,研究方向:水生生物学、生态学。E-mail: jqwang@fudan.edu.cn