宋奔奔,宿 墨,单建军,吴 凡
(农业部渔业装备与工程重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所 上海200092)
摘 要:为探索移动床生物滤器在封闭循环水养殖水体净化方面的作用,研究分析水力停留时间(HRT)和曝气量等水力负荷条件变化对移动床硝化效率、流化状态和养殖系统稳定性的影响规律。研究表明,低氨氮负荷条件下,HRT从6.7 min延长至10 min,移动床TAN去除率随着HRT的延长而升;而HRT在从10 min延长至20 min,移动床总氨氮(TAN)去除率并不会随着HRT的延长而升高;HRT在10 min时,TAN去除率较高且水流量较大,硝化效率最高,单位体积TAN去除率(VTR)平均达(63.11±26.77) g/(m3•d),最高达到110.19 g/(m3•d);曝气流化状态的移动床TAN去除率和VTR均显著高于未曝气移动床。
Effect of hydraulic loading on nitrification efficiency in moving bed biofilm reactor
SONG Ben-ben, SU Mo, SHAN Jian-jun, WU Fan
(Key Laboratory of fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture; Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: Understanding the capability of moving bed biofilm reactor on waste water purification is critical to the development of recirculating aquaculture systems. Such characters as nitrification efficiency, fluidizing state and systems stability were studied and explored under five different hydraulic retention time (HRT) (6.7, 7.5, 10, 15 and 20 min ) and two aeration condition(0 and 2 m3/h). The results showed that: TAN removal rate will rise with the prolonged HRT change while from 6.7 to 10 min under lower total ammonium nitrogen (TAN) influent, but won’t rise while from 10 to 20 min. Nitrification efficiency of moving bed achieves the optimum operation condition while HRT is 10 min. And at this time the average volumetric TAN Removal Rate (VTR) reaches (63.11±26.77 )g/(m3•d), with the highest value of 110.19 g/(m3•d). TAN Removal rate and VTR of moving bed under aeration fluidized state is higher significantly than un-fluidized state (no aeration).
Key words: Recirculating aquaculture system; moving bed biofilm reactor; Hydraulic retention time; Nitrification efficiency
作者简介: 宋奔奔( 1983—) ,男,助理工程师,硕士,研究方向:水产养殖工程与生态学。E-mail: songbenben@ fmiri.ac. cn