李 燕1,李建忠1,叶军强2,陈 薇2
(1 上海市水产研究所,上海 200433;2 上海市奉贤区水产技术推广站,上海 201400)
摘要:试验比较了无油滑片式微孔曝气增氧机与传统的叶轮式增氧机对南美白对虾(Penaeus vannamei)养殖池塘的溶解氧、对虾生长及经济效益的影响。经过4个月养殖试验,结果发现,上午10:00时测得的池塘溶解氧都高于5.9 mg/L,但使用微孔曝气增氧的试验塘溶解氧在养殖过程中高于叶轮式增氧机增氧的对照塘;微孔曝气增氧的池塘,7月份和8月份养殖的南美白对虾的全长分别为6.68 cm和8.98cm,体质量分别为3.19 g和9.21 g,显著高于叶轮式增氧的池塘(P <0.05),但9月份收获时终末体长、体质量与对照塘相比无显著差异;试验塘的饲料系数(1.05)低于对照塘的饲料系数(1.16);微孔曝气增氧提高了亩产量,销售利润(3454.1元/亩)是叶轮式增氧机增氧(2308.1元/亩)的1.5倍。微孔曝气增氧是南美白对虾池塘养殖较好的增氧方式。
Comparison the effects of using microporous oxygen aerator and impeller oxygen aerator on the Penaeus vannamei culturing in the ponds
LI Yan1, LI Jian-zhong1, YE Jun-qiang2, CHEN Wei2
( 1 Shanghai Fisheries Research Institute, Shanghai 200443, China;
2 Fengxian Fisheries Technical Extension Station, Shanghai 200000, China)
Abstract: Comparison the effects of using microporous oxygen aerator and impeller oxygen aerator on the dissolve oxygen, growth performance of Penaeus vannamei and economic profit was conducted. The power of microporous oxygen aerator is 2.2 kW; the ponds area was about 8 mu (1mu≈667 m2). After 4-month feeding experiment, the dissolved oxygen of the ponds were over 5.9 mg/L at 10:00am. However, the dissolved oxygen in the ponds which used microporous oxygen aerator was higher than the control. The total length and weight of Penaeus vannamei in the ponds which used microporous oxygen aerator were significantly higher than the impeller oxygen aerator ponds in July and August (P <0.05). There were no significant differences in the final weight and total length of Penaeus vannamei between the two kinds of aerator ponds. The microporous oxygen aerator decreased the feed coefficient, increased the acre production, and the acre economic profit was 1.7 multiple of the impeller oxygen aerator. Oil-free microporous oxygen aerator is a better aerator model.
Key words: microporous oxygen aerator; impeller aerator; Penaeus vannamei; pond aquaculture; dissolved oxygen
作者简介:李燕(1982—),女,工程师,博士,主要从事水产技术推广工作。E-mail: liyan0501@126.com
通讯作者:李建忠(1977—), 男,工程师,主要从事水产技术推广工作。E-mail: lijz1123@hotmail.com