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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2012-01-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

程果锋1,2,张宇雷1,吴 凡1,刘世晶2,朱 浩1,王 健2,张业韡1
(1 农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海200092;2 中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所, 上海200092)

摘 要:流化砂床滤器的进水方式对其运行具有重要影响,试制了一种新型涡旋式流化砂床滤器,该滤器改变传统流化砂床布水方法,通过创造旋转上升水流带动砂床上浮从而使砂床膨胀,布水均匀,运行平稳且杜绝传统砂床中的砂粒堵塞出水孔板现象等优点。采用4#、5#石英砂进行水力特性实验,结果表明,砂床初始厚度应>40 cm,且膨胀系数控制在50%~150%之间时有最佳运行效果;当膨胀率在50%~200%之间时,4#砂、5#砂的上升流速范围分别为0.0422~0.110 m/s 和0.0360~0.0580 m/s。试验表明该滤器可显著改善进水方式,布水均匀,有利于砂床膨化。
关键词:生物滤器;流化床;石英砂; 砂床厚度;膨胀系数

Design and study of a vortexing fluidized-bed biofilter
CHENG Guo-feng1,2, ZHANG Yu-lei1, WU Fan1, LIU Shi-jing2, ZHU Hao1, WANG Jian2, ZHANG Ye-wei1
(1 Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering Shanghai 200092, China;
2 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)

Abstract: Trial production of a vortex type vulcanizing sand bed filter, change the traditional fluidized sand bed water distribution method of the filter. Through the creation of rotating upward water flow drives the sand bed so that the sand bed expansion, water distribution uniformity, smooth operation and eliminate the traditional sand bed of sand plugging water outlet plate phenomenon etc. Using the 4 # and 5 # sand which purchase from market to hydraulic characteristics experiment show that, the sand bed initial thickness greater than 40cm, and the expansion coefficient control in 50%~150% has the optimal running effect; when the expansion rate in 50%~200%, 4 # sand and 5 # sand upward flow rate range from 0.0422 to 0.110m / s and from 0.0360 to 0.0580 m / s, separately.
Key words: biofilter; fluidized-bed; quartz sand; sand bed thickness; coefficient of expansion
基金项目:国家鲆鲽类产业技术体系( nycytx-50 ) ;农业科技成果转化资金项目( 2009GB2326046);公益性行业(农业) 科研专项( nyhyzx07-046 )




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