刘志伟1,2,王印庚1,陈 霞3,林春媛1,2,李 彬1,李 华2,曲江波4
(1 中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
2 大连海洋大学生命科学与技术学院,辽宁 大连 116023;
3 青岛九洋红水产科技有限公司,山东 青岛,266071;
4 烟台技术开发区天源水产有限公司,山东 烟台264006)
摘 要:采用显色法分别检测分析了甲醛、双氧水在海水中的消解速率,其最低检出限分别为0.25 mL/m3和0.125 mL/m3;同时研究了两种消毒剂加入海水中对水质因子的影响。结果表明:这两种消毒剂的消解速率与其使用浓度密切相关,使用浓度越高,在海水中的消解时间越长。甲醛浓度在100 mL/m3时,48 h显示白浊,基本上降解消除;而当双氧水浓度在100 mL/m3时,96 h仍有较高残留。由此得出,相同浓度甲醛的消解速率比双氧水快得多。在1 500 mL/m3双氧水和600 mL/m3甲醛极高浓度下,7 d后仍保持着很高的残留量。海水中加入甲醛,溶解氧、盐度、温度、pH均没有显著变化(P>0.05),而加入双氧水的海水,除了溶解氧提高以外(P<0.05),其它水质因子没有显著变化(P>0.05)。建议在使用甲醛、双氧水时,应尽量避免使用高浓度剂量。同时应根据不同浓度双氧水、甲醛的药效作用和降解时间决定废水排放时间。也可敷设缓冲排放池,使消毒剂在海水中充分降解,防止过多的化学残留直接排放入海,破坏水域生态环境。这为正确使用双氧水和甲醛提供了理论依据和参考。
The rate of decompound of hydrogen peroxide and formaldehyde in seawater and the influence on water quality factors
LIU Zhi-wei1, 2, WANG Yin-geng1*, CHEN Xia3, LIN Chun-yuan1, 2, LI Bin1, LI Hua2, QU Jiang-bo3
( 1 Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Life Science and Technology College, Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China;
3 Sunny Oceans Aquaculture Technology Co., Ltd, Qingdao 266071,China;
4 Yantai Tianyuan Fisheries Co., Ltd, YanTai 265600, China )
Abstract: This article analyzed the rate of decompound of formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide in seawater and the influence on water quality factors. Results showed that the rate of decompound was closely related to their concentration, i.e., the higher concentration and the longer decompound time. In contrast, the rate of decompound of formaldehyde was faster than that of hydrogen peroxide as they were at same concentration. For instance, the completely decompound of 100 mL/m3 formaldehyde need 48 h, while 100 mL/m3 hydrogen peroxide required much more than 96h. However, there were high residues after 7d as they were at 1 500 mL/m3 (for hydrogen peroxide)and 600 mL/m3 (for formaldehyde) into seawater. In addition, the results indicated that there was not significant effect (P>0.05) on temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen of seawater as formaldehyde was put into it, however hydrogen peroxide had a significant effect(P<0.05)merely raise on dissolved oxygen. In sum, it is suggested that use of low concentration of those disinfectants and choose suitable sanitizing time, meanwhile a storage tank is needed to avoid the residues discharge into the sea and destroy the waters ecological balance. This study could provide a reference to correctly use of formaldehyde and hydrogen peroxide in aquaculture practice.
Key words: aquaculture; disinfectant; hydrogen peroxide; formaldehyde; rate of decompound; water quality
作者简介:刘志伟(1984—),女,硕士研究生,主要从事水产生物养殖疾病防控技术研究。E-mail : wangbai3098@163.com
通讯作者:王印庚(1963—),男,研究员,主要从事水产生物健康养殖与疾病防控技术研究。E-mail : wangyg@ysfri.ac.cn