张新荣1, 徐保国2
(1.淮阴工学院电子与电气工程学院,江苏淮安 223003; 2.江南大学信控学院,江苏无锡 214122)
Design on detecting system of aquiculture with environmental information based on CC2430
ZHANG Xin-rong1 , XV Bao-guo2
(1.Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, HuaiYin Institute of Techenology, huaian 223003, China 2.School of Communication and Control Engineering, JiangNan University, Jiangsu wuxi 214122, China)
Abstract: A kind of environmental factors detecting system based on CC2430 is designed through analysis and study the actuality in modern aquiculture of our country. Network nodes are deployed in the monitoring area and the temperature of the pool culture, pH, dissolved oxygen and other environmental parameters are tested. The data are processed by the monitoring system and transmitted by wireless means. The changes in farming environmental parameters are real-time monitored to provide the basis for effective control. The system overcomes the defects of traditional ways, for example, wiring complexity, the node power consumption, monitoring and management inconvenience etc. And this system has low power consumption, flexible networking, scalability, and other advantages. Test shows that the system is stable, data accuracy is high and aquaculture environmental parameters can be effectively detected. So this system is suitable for application.
Key words: aquiculture; environmental information; CC2430; detection; design