丁 燏,申玉春,吴灶和,简纪常,刘 莹,王 威,朱春华
(广东省水产经济动物病原生物学及流行病学重点实验室,广东海洋大学水产学院,湛江 524025)
摘要:对流沙湾海区异养菌、弧菌动态变化规律及其优势菌群进行了初步探讨。采用平板稀释法对异养菌和弧菌数量进行了周年检测;对优势菌株进行分离纯化,并对代表性月份样品优势菌中的弧菌进行菌种鉴定。结果显示,流沙湾海区的异养菌和弧菌密度分别为8.8×103~9.60×105 cfu/mL和1.0×103~2.45×104 cfu/mL,其中异养菌数量高峰出现在6月,弧菌数量高峰出现在12月,异养菌、弧菌数量与水温变化的相关性不明显;流沙湾海区优势菌群中存在着溶藻弧菌等多种致病性弧菌。
Study on dynamic changes of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios
in water of Liusha Bay
DING Yu, Shen Yu-chun, WU Zao-he, JIAN Ji-chang, Liu Ying, Wang Wei, ZHU Chun-hua
( Guangdong Provincial Key Lab of Pathogenic Biology and Epidemiology for Aquatic Economic Animals,
Fisheries College, Guangdong Ocean University, Zhanjiang 524025, China )
Abstract: Dynamic changes of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios in water of Liusha Bay were studied. Heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios at each site were investigated with 2216E plate and TCBS plate, respectively. The correlation between the quantities (total heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios) and water temperature were also analyzed. Dominant microorganisms in June were isolated with the method of plate streak, and vibrios of them were screened and identified. The results showed that the quantities of heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios ranged from 8.8×103~9.60×105 cfu/mL and 1.0×103~2.45×104 cfu/mL, respectively. Highest value appeared in June for heterotrophic bacteria and December for vibrios. It was concluded that the quantity change trend of total heterotrophic bacteria and vibrios were not same. And the correlations between the quantities and water temperature were not obvious. A variety of pathogenic vibrios were found in the seawater including Vibrio alginolyticus, V. prarhaemolyticaus and V. fluvialis.
Key words: heterotrophic bacteria; vibrios; dominant microorganisms; Liusha Bay
通讯作者:申玉春,男,教授,博士。E-mail: shenyuchun@163.com