倪 琦1,管崇武1,王剑锋2,宿 墨1,黄钟持2
(1农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092;2 福建省淡水水产研究所,福州 350002)
摘要:利用循环水处理技术和人工湿地净化技术构建的双循环系统模式,对福建地区鳗鱼(Anguilla japonica)精养池系统进行技术改进研究。结果表明:该模式在养殖密度约15 kg/m3时,养殖水体氨氮平均值为1.13 mg/L,水体溶解氧基本保持在6 mg/L以上,固体悬浮物浓度平均为13.6 mg/L,菌落总数平均为777 CFU/mL,仅为对照池的58%,其他水质指标也明显优于对照池;经过100 d的养殖,鳗鱼平均体重由32.5 g增至184.5 g,平均成活率92.7%。并联式双循环水处理工艺在鳗鱼养殖中具有水质处理效果好、改建和运行低廉等优点,适合我国南方地区鳗鱼精养池模式的循环水化改造。
The experiment of improving the intensive eel ponds by using
the recirulating water and the constructed wetland treatment technology
NI Qi1, GUAN Chong-Wu1, WANG Jian-Feng2, SU Mo1, HUANG Zhong-Chi2
( 1 Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092,China; 2 Fujian Institute of Aquatic Product in Freshwater, Fuzhou 350002, China )
Abstracts: By using bi-circulating culture mode, which consists of the recirculating water treatment technology and the constructed wetland technology, makes an improvement of the intensive eel (Anguilla japonica) ponds system in Fujian province. Result shows that under the stocking density 15 kg/m3, water quality parameters in bi-circulating systems were as follows: average TAN concentration 1.13 mg/L, average suspended solids concentration 13.6 mg/L, DO always exceeded 6 mg/L, colony count 777 CFU/ml, which was just 58% of the control pond, and other water quality parameters were also better than that of control ponds. After being raised for 100 days in bi-circulating system, the average body weight of eel increased from 32.5 g to 184.5 g and the survival rate 92.7%. The water treatment effectiveness of bi-circulating mode is better, and the running cost is also very cheap. Therefore it is very suitable for the improvement of intensive eel ponds system in southern china.
Key words: Anguilla japonica; intensive culture pond; recirculating aquaculture system; constructed wetland
作者简介:倪琦(1968—),男,农学硕士,研究员,研究方向:水产养殖工程。E-mail: niqi2000@hotmail.com
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2009,36(5):4-9)