何义进1,周群兰1,刘 勃2,蒋国春2,刘颖斐2,叶 青2
(1 中国水产科学研究院淡水渔业研究中心,农业部淡水鱼类遗传育种和养殖生物学重点开放实验室 江苏 无锡2140811;2 宜兴市水产指导站 江苏 宜兴 214000)
摘要:为了解不同增氧方式对中华绒螯蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)养殖池塘水质的影响,通过对喷水增氧、潜水沙头增氧、底层管道微孔增氧、塑料软管打孔增氧,以及不同管道间距的底层微孔增氧等增氧效果的测定,获得养殖塘的水温、pH、溶解氧、氨氮、亚硝酸盐、异养菌总数及弧菌总数,并对各水质因子进行主成分分析。结果表明,采用底层管道微孔增氧能有效缓解溶解氧的下降,减缓氨氮、亚硝酸盐的增加速率,管道间距在10~12 m对蟹塘水质因子效果较好。
Effects of Different Aerating to the Water Quality in Eriocheir Sinensis Ponds
HE Yi-jin1, ZHOU Qun-lan1,LIU Bo2, JIANG Guo-chun2, LIU Ying-fei2, YE Qing2
( 1 Key Laboratory of Genetic Breeding and Aquaculture Biology of Freshwater Fishes, Ministry of Agriculture,
Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Wuxi 214081, China;
2 Yixing Aquiculture Technology direction station, Yixing 214000, China )
Abstract: In order to know the effects of different aeration method to the water quality, water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, ammonia, nitrite, heterotrophic bacteria and Vibrio were detected in June, July and August in the Eriocheir Sinensis pond which used different kinds of oxygen adding methods—the water spraying method, the diving airblast method, the bottom pipes method, the plastic hosepipes’ holes system and the bottom tiny holes with different distances between pipes system. Principal component analysis was done too. The results showed that the dissolved oxygen declined slowly and the ammonia and nitrite added slowly when the pond used the bottom tiny holes oxygen adding system. It was found that the water quality analysis could be done with these three component factors and the dissolved oxygen was the main factor which affected the water quality. The bottom tiny holes oxygen adding system which choses 10~12 metres as the distance between pipes has the best effect to water quality in the Eriocheir Sinensis pond.
Key words: tiny holes aeration; aerating; Eriocheir Sinensis; water quality analysis; Principal Component Analysis
作者简介:何义进(1964—),男,副研究员,研究方向:水生动物病害。E-mail: heyj@ffrc.cn
通讯作者:刘勃(1964—),男,高级工程师,研究方向:生态养殖。E-mail: yxshuichan@126.com
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(4),23-26)