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作者:陈有光 (1961—),男,研究员,从事水产养殖与设施渔业专业研究。E-mail:    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2009-02-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

张婧一1,陈有光1,宿金莲2,王  平1,楚冬梅3
(1 山东省淡水水产研究所,济南 250117;2 山东省海洋与渔业厅,济南 250013;
3 山东省水利科学研究院,济南 250013)



Comprehensive benefit analysis of industrial recycled water and
static water model fish culture

ZHANG Jing-yi1, CHEN You-guang1, SU Jin-lian2, WANG Ping1, CHU Dong-mei3
( 1 Freshwater Fisheries Research Institute of Shandong Province, Jinan 250117, China;
2 Shandong Provincial Office of Ocean and Fishery, Jinan 250013, China;
3 Shandong Province Academy of Sciences Institute of Water, Jinan 250013, China )

Abstract: Given the fish-farming running model of the industrial culture circulated water and the hydrostatic water, the two risk decision-making model were established through the economic forecasting and decision-making technologies on the basis of the analysis of investment decision-making model for the random demand. The Comprehensive evaluation was made by means of the setting of the corresponding technical indices such as profit contribution, working cost, equipment utilization, Benefit and Risk, eco-effectiveness. The result clarified the circulated water fish-farming model had advantages of the saving water and power, improving equipment utilization, and so on. Therefore, this model could provide the reference for saving water and reducing consumption, the large-scaled aquaculture and the sustainable development.

Key words: recirculation fish culture; static-water fish culture; water saving and consumption reducing; benefit analysis



通讯作者: 陈有光 (1961—),男,研究员,从事水产养殖与设施渔业专业研究。E-mail:  chenyouguang2000@yahoo.com.cn

   (《渔业现代化》 2009,36(1),5-8)



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