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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2008-10-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

刘兴国,王鹏祥,苗  雷
(中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,农业部渔业装备与工程重点开放实验室,上海 200092)

摘要:为解决池塘高密度养殖存在的缺氧风险问题,设计了池塘溶氧调控系统。根据池塘夜间需氧模型,确定鲤科混养鱼类池塘溶氧安全浓度在3 mg/L以上,增氧时间高于6.2 h/(m2?W?d),增氧时滞为0.2~1 h。池塘溶氧调控系统由水质在线监测系统、数据信息处理系统、电路控制系统和增氧设备组成,系统对水体溶氧的分辨率为±0.2%,可以有效调控池塘溶氧设备。试验运行发现,池塘溶氧调控系统比传统增氧方式约可节省运行时间33.4%,试验池塘的饲料系数降低了21.6%。系统具有良好的节能、增效效果。


A sort of DO control system design and application in pond culture

LIU Xing-guo, WANG Peng-xiang, MIAO Lei
( Fishery machinary and instrument research institute, Chinese academy of fishery sciences,
Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, the Ministry of Agriculture, Shanghai 200092, China )

Abstracts: In order to reduce the ponds culture oxygen lack risk, This paper introduce a dissolve oxygen (DO) control system design. By studies the nights pond aquaculture water DO variety, definite the carps mix pond culture water DO must above 3mg/l, aeration times above 6.2h/m2?w?d, The aeration times lag is 0.5~1h. The ponds culture dissolve oxygen control system compose by water quality measure system, datum disposal system, electro-circuit system and aeration machines. The system dissolve oxygen distinguish ratio is ±0.2% it can availability control the aeration machines. Compare the traditional aeration manner the dissolve oxygen control system could save about 33.4% operation times, and the experiment culture FCR was reduced 21.6%. The system can save culture energy used and increase ponds aquaculture effection. 

Key words: Pond water dissolve oxygen; Real time measure; Feed back control


作者简介:刘兴国(1965—),男,研究员,主要从事养殖生态工程研究。E-mail: liuxg4890@sohu.com

                                       (来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(5),18-20)




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