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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2008-10-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(台湾海洋大学环境生物与渔业科学系,台湾 基隆 202-24)

摘要:研究探讨香鱼(Plecoglossus altivelis)及胡鲇(又称塘虱鱼)(Clarias fuscus)的用水标准及养殖水质状况,分析香鱼与胡鲇养殖排放水,并比较二者间之差異。香鱼养殖池的溶氧都在5 mg/L以上,胡鲇养殖池溶氧平均值为2.9 mg/L,两个养殖池的叶绿素a(Chl a)平均值分别为3.43和170.23 mg/ m3。水中营养盐部分香鱼与胡鲇池换算流水量与生物量后,香鱼每增长1 kg,它所产生之氨氮、硝酸氮、亚硝酸氮及正磷酸酸盐的量分别为383.7、208.99、21.62和119.03 mg;胡鲇每增长1 kg则分别为68.76、5.72、2.44及13.80 mg。香鱼池的排水浊度、悬浮固体及硫化物含量分别为5.26 NTU、<10 mg/ L和<0.001 mg/L;胡鲇池则分别为125.90 NTU、122.63 mg/L和0.012 mg/L。结果显示,养殖胡鲇的单位营养盐产量较香鱼低,与水中叶绿素含量有关。而胡鲇池因喂饲绞碎家禽生饵形成有机物质过多,造成池水溶氧低,浊度、悬浮固体及硫化物也较香鱼池高。


Study on the water quality by cultivating sweetfish, Plecoglossus altivelis
and walking catfish, Clarias fuscus

Cheng Sha-Yen, Wu Jin-Fu, Wang He-Shun
(Department of Environmental Biology and Fisheries Science, “National” Taiwan Ocean University,Taiwan,China)

Abstract: This study monitored the wastewater from aquaculture pond, while stocked in sweetfish (Plecoglossus altivelis) and walking catfish (Clarias focus). The DO level maintained at 5 mg/L in sweetfish’s grow-up ponds. And DO level only at 2.9 mg/L in walking catfish’s grow-up ponds. The chlorophyll a in sweetfish pond and walking catfish pond were 3.43 and 170.43 mg/ m3, respectively. To compare the difference of drain and intake water then converse with biomass in sweetfish and walking catfish’s grow-up pond. The ammonia-N, nitrate-N, nitrite-N and phosphate were 383.7, 208.99, 21.62 and 119.03 mg/kg in sweetfish’s pond, respectively. Those above parameters in walking catfish’s pond were 68.76, 5.72, 2.44 and 13.80 mg/kg, respectively. The turbidity, suspended solid and sulfide in sweetfish’s pond were 5.26 NTU, < 10 mg/L and < 0.001 mg/L, respectively. Those above parameters in walking catfish’s pond were 125.90 NTU, 122.63 mg/L and 0.012 mg/L. These results indicated the amount of nutrients productivity per biomass in sweetfish’s pond was higher than walking catfish’s pond. These data should be related with chlorophyll a in pond. Whereas those results indicated the high levels of turbidity, suspended solid, sulfide and low DO in the walking catfish’s pond were caused by fed the shattered poultry meat.

Key words: Plecoglossus altivelis、Clarias focus、analysis of water quality

作者简介:郑学渊(1968—),男,副教授,农学博士,研究方向:环境化学、毒理学。E-mail: eric@mail.ntou.edu.tw




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