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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2007-12-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(1中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092;2 上海金樱生态农业科技有限公司,上海 201321)

摘  要:根据水生动植物生态学原理而设计一种闭式循环水养鱼系统。该系统涉及植物、微生物组合净水技术和纳米功能材料调质、催化技术,创建动植物共生的水体自净环境,实现水产养殖代谢污染物的资源化处理。该系统试养鲟鱼400尾(鱼池8 m3),成活率98.25%,1个月生物增量122%,配套生态蔬菜产量43 kg。文中就相关技术设计和试验研究作了分析讨论。


The recirculating ecosystem and tests for Aquatic and hydrophytes

   ZHANG Ming-hua1,DING Yong-liang1 ,LIN Jun-qing2 ,CHEN Jian-qiang2
(1. Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of  Sciences Fishery, Shanghai, 200092;
           2. Shanghai Jinying Agriculture Eecology Technology CO.,Ltd, Shanghai, 201321 China)

Abstracts: The closed recirculating aquaculture system, which comes down to the technology of  purify of water using plant and microbiology and the function of nano material which can be thermal refining and catalyzing, is designed with ecology of aquatic and hydrophytes. The object is to build an auto-purify water environment which can support the propagation to live together and realize the treatment of aquaculture drainage which may transfer the metabolism contaminations to be resources. 400 pieces of sturgeon have been reared during the test of the recirculating ecosystem for aquatic and hydrophytes, livability 98.25%, increment of biological mass 122% and the product of eco-vegetable 43kg. The paper discusses the design of relative technology and the contents of tests.

Keywords: reciculating aquaculture, ecosystem for aquatic and hydrophytes, domino effect test farming agriculture ecology


(来源:《渔业现代化》 2007,34(6),14-16)



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