刘 嫚1,石建高2,汪征位1,余雯雯2,高 敏1,宋伟华1
(1 浙江海洋大学水产学院,浙江省海洋渔业装备技术研究重点实验室,浙江 舟山 316022
2 中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)
摘要:为给渔用材料的合理选用提供参考,以三元共混网线材料(中高分子量聚乙烯/聚丙烯/三元乙丙橡胶,MHMWPE/PP/EPDM)作为研究对象,按不同混合比、不同直径进行网线的断裂强力及结节强力试验,分析其相应的强力、延伸性等性能。结果显示,三元共混网线材料的断裂强力随着直径增大而增加,优于同等直径普通聚乙烯网线材料,且随着直径增大,差异性越明显,最大差异时三元共混网线材料的断裂强力为2 091.4N,是普通聚乙烯的1.8倍;在相同的网线直径条件下,三元共混网线材料断裂强力均随PP含量增加而增加;在相同的直径下,三元共混网线材料的断裂伸长率小于普通聚乙烯网线材料,结节损失率高于普通聚乙烯网线材料。三元共混网线材料,虽然断裂伸长率低、结节损失率高,但强力性能要优于普通聚乙烯,可在渔业生产中推广应用。
Experimental study on the breaking strength of MHMWPE/PP/EPDM ternary blend netting materials
LIU Man1, SHI Jiangao2, WANG Zhengwei1, YU Wenwen2, GAO Min1, SONG Weihua1
(1 Fishery college of Zhejiang Ocean University,Key Laboratory of Marine Fishery Equipment and Technology of Zhejiang, Zhejiang Zhoushan 316022, China;
2 East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai, 200090, China)
Abstract:To furnish reference for fishing materials selection, this study took MHMWPE/PP/EPDM ternary blend material for netting as object, and studied through experiments the breaking strength, nodules breaking strength, etc. of the blends under different mixing ratios and different diameter sizes. The results showed that: the breaking strength of the ternary blend increased with the increasing of the twine diameter, and was better than that of ordinary polyethylene netting twine materials of the same diameter. Besides, as the diameter increased, the difference with ordinary polyethylene materials became more obvious, and when it came to the maximum difference, the breaking strength of the target ternary blend was 2 091.4N, 1.8 times of that of ordinary polyethylene. When the diameter remained the same, the breaking strength of the ternary blend increased with the increasing of pp content. Compared with ordinary polyethylene materials of the same diameter, the elongation at break of the studied ternary blend was lower and the nodules loss rate was higher. Nevertheless, the MHMWPE/PP/EPDM ternary blend as netting twine materials is superior to ordinary polyethylene material in terms of the breaking strength, thus can be promoted and applied in fishery production.
Keywords: ternary blending material; breaking strength; elongation at break; nodules loss; fracture test