摘要:为改善北太平洋鱿钓渔船的性能,克服船体偏小、稳性欠佳、装载鱼货少、节能效果差和船员生活水准低等不足,设计了一种尺度适宜、结构坚固、布置合理、设备节能、造价适度的8.00 m型宽专业鱿钓渔船。船体总长50.00 m,船宽8.00 m,型深3.80 m,设计吃水3.10 m,设计航速11.50 kn,鱼舱容积294.33 m3,自持力>45 d。设计中对主尺度及船型系数进行了优化处理,对机电设备进行了优化配置,渔船的适航、适渔、稳性、制冷等方面表现良好。
Design of 8 m beam professional squid fishing vessels
GUO Guan-ming, ZHANG Wei-xing, ZHANG Hai-bo, ZHU Huan-hui, DING Yong-chuan
( Marine Fisheries Research Institute of Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan 316000, China )
Abstract: In order to improve the North Pacific squid fishing vessels performance, overcome the defect of hull small, stability bad, containing fish less, energy-saving effect poor and crew living standard low, according to the successful design experience, designing of a suitable scale, strong structure, rational layout, energy-saving equipment, and cost modest 8.00 m breadth professional squid fishing. Hull length 50.00 m, breadth 8.00 m, depth 3.80 m, designed draft 3.10 m, designed speed 11.50 kn, fish tank volume of 294.33 m3, self-sustaining force is greater than 45 d. The design of the ship's main dimensions, coefficients and electromechanical equipment are optimized. Seaworthiness of fishing vessels, suitable fishing, stability, refrigeration and other aspects are of good performance.
Key words: squid fishing vessels; main particulars; ship coefficient; optimization
作者简介:郭观明(1955—),男,工程师,主要从事船舶设计研究。E-mail: flown_163@163.com