刘 倩1,高澄宇2,黄金发1,许加超1,付晓婷1,高 昕1
(1 中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266003;
2 青岛农业大学食品科学与工程学院,山东 青岛 266109)
摘要:研究皱纹盘鲍(Haliotis discus hannai Ino)在冷风干燥和自然晾晒两种干燥方式下的干燥速率、色泽、酸性粘多糖和总糖含量,以及微观结构变化的差异,并进行分析比较。在实验室内采用冷风干燥试验机和自然晾晒方式进行鲍鱼干燥试验。结果显示:当鲍鱼样品干基含水率从238%下降到16%以下时,冷风干燥所需时间约为122 h,是自然晾晒的70%;至干燥完成时冷风干燥鲍鱼多糖含量高于自然晾晒样品;冷风干燥样品通透性明显优于晾晒样品;两种干燥样品的微观结构差异性不明显。综合分析得出,与自然晾晒相比,冷风干燥方式具有干燥时间短,干燥过程易于控制,品质和卫生条件好,适合工业化生产等优点,是一种较佳的鲍鱼干制方法。
Comparation and analysis of cold-blast air drying and natural drying of abalone
LIU Qian1, GAO Cheng-yu2, HUANG Jin-fa1, XU Jia-chao1, FU Xiao-ting1, GAO Xin1
( 1 College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China;
2 College of Food Science and Engineering, Qingdao Agricultural University, Qingdao 266109, China )
Abstract: Fresh abalones were dried in cold-blast air and natural air in the laboratory, the drying rate, color, content of total polysaccharide and acidic polysaccharide, and changes in microstructure were investigated and analyzed. Both of the two methods were undergoing a short-time rising drying rate period first, then the drying rate decreased. Results showed that: when the moisture content dropped from 238% to 16%, the time cold-blast air drying needed was 122h, which was 70% of natural drying. The content of total polysaccharide and acidic polysaccharide in abalones of the two drying methods were increased significantly. Abalones dried in natural air and cold-blast air showed dark yellow and brilliant yellow respectively, and the light permeability of cold-blast air dried abalone was better than that of natural dried abalone obviously. The microstructures had little differences, muscle fibre of natural dried abalone shrank equably, and there were no holes appeared, while fibre of the cold-blast air dried abalone bent a little, and there are many holes appeared. Compared with natural drying, cold-blast air drying is a preferable method, because it had a short drying time, the drying process was easy to control, quality and sanitary conditions were better.
Key words: abalone; cold-blast air drying; natural drying; colour differences; polysaccharide; microstructure
作者简介:刘倩(1989—),女,硕士研究生,研究方向为食品物性学。E-mail: liu3692271_qian@126.com
通迅作者:高昕(1968—),男,教授,博士,研究方向:水产加工与贮藏。E-mail: xingao@ouc.edu.cn