牛宝卫,任 艳,栾东磊,董士远,曾名湧
(中国海洋大学食品科学与工程学院,青岛 266003)
摘要:通过研究不同宰杀方式对大菱鲆鱼肉鲜度指标的影响,以寻找一种较好的宰杀方式来提高大菱鲆保鲜效果。实验采用4种方式宰杀大菱鲆:脉冲电击,CO2麻醉,放血,打头;宰杀后置于0 ℃下保藏,测定各组样品的K值、乳酸含量、pH值随时间的变化。实验结果:在保藏过程中,打头致死组K值升高最缓慢,0 h时乳酸含量最低为1.536 2 mg/g(电击组、CO2麻醉组、放血组的乳酸含量分别为1.741 5 mg/g、2.464 6 mg/g、1.991 2 mg/g),0 h 时pH值最高为7.14(电击组、CO2麻醉组、放血组的pH值分别为6.99、6.78、6.91)。打头致死最有利于保鲜,其次为电击。
Effects of killing methods on fresh quality of turbot
Abstract: The effect of different killing methods on the fresh quality of turbot (Scophthlmus maximus) was researched in this article. Turbots were distributed into four groups and treated respectively as follows: (1) stimulated electrically with 80 Hz pulsed direct current (PDC) for 1 min (M1); (2) choked the turbot to death in a box filled with CO2 (M2); (3) exsanguinated lively into bins of ice slurry for 1 h (M3); (4) killed directly by a percussive blow to the head and stored in ice(M4). After killed all fishes were stored in a thermostat container of 0 ℃. K-value,lactic acid and pH-value were measured in different time. The results showed that M4 was the best killing method to keep fish fresh which had a slow change of K-value, the minimal K-value in 72 h (M1 36.19%, M2 55.46%, M3 57.11%, M4 35.93%), the minimal lactic acid content (M1 1.741 5 mg/g, M2 2.464 6 mg/g, M3 1.991 2 mg/g, M4 1.536 2 mg/g) and the max pH-value (M1 6.99, M2 6.78, M3 6.91, M4 7.14) when they just died.
Key words: killing methods, Scophthlmus maximus, keep fresh, K-value, lactic acid, pH-value
作者简介:牛宝卫(1984—),男,硕士,主要从事水产品保鲜研究。E-mail: nbw-868@163.com
通讯作者:曾名湧(1965—),男,教授,博士,主要从事水产品加工、高值化利用与水产品保鲜方面的研究。E-mail: mingyz@mail.ouc.edu.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(3),38-41)
NIU Bao-wei, REN Yan, LUAN Dong-lei, DONG Shi-yuan, ZENG Ming-yong
( College of Food Science and Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, China )