(浙江兴业集团有限公司,浙江舟山 316101)
摘要:以带鱼利用加工过程中产生的大量下脚料为原料,采用酸法分离带鱼下脚料蛋白。结果表明,带鱼下脚料最适提取条件为:酸液pH 2.92,溶解时间1.5 h,固液比1∶10,温度4 ℃。通过初步分离,获得带鱼下脚料蛋白质四种组分:碱不溶性基质蛋白72.2%;碱溶性蛋白含量为18.0%;肌原纤维蛋白为3.5%,肌浆蛋白含量2.1%。
Research on extraction and separation of Hairtail relic protein
HUANG Zhen-fan
(ZheJiang XingYe Industrial Group Co., Ltd, Zhoushan, China)
Abstract: Hairtail is one of the most famous sea food in Zhou shan. To make good use of the large mount of relic during the processing, this article uses relic as material, applies the way of acid to separate protein, and supplies basic theory to this kind of material. The results are as follow: the best condition is 2.92 pH, solving time 1.5 h, ratio between material and water 1∶10, temperature 4 ℃. Four types relic protein are obtained through preparatory separation: alkali-dissolving stromatin protein(72.2%), alkali-solving protein(18.0%), flesh fibre(3.5%), myosinogen(3.5%).
Key words: Hairtail; relic; protein; extraction; separation
作者简介:黄镇繁(1962—),男,高级经济师、工程师,主要研究渔网工具、渔具材料、海洋水产利用。E-mail: tora27@163.com
(《渔业现代化》 2008,35(5),52-55)