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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2015-07-06 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

汤云峰,郑 红,孔令民,覃柳怀
(浙江海洋学院 海洋科学与技术学院,浙江 舟山 316022)



Design of net monitor system of sea cage based on USBL
TANG Yunfeng1, ZHENG Hong1, KONG Lingmin1, QIN Liuhuai1
(Zhejiang Ocean University, College of Marine Science and Technology, Zhejiang Zhoushan, 316022 China)

Abstract: Marine cage aquaculture has developed into one of the pillar industries in our country, the real time status acquisition of net is essential for deep-sea cage aquaculture, this paper proposed a net monitor system of the deep-sea cage based on ultra short baseline acoustic positioning technique. The system is composed of acoustic transducer array which is fixed to cage platform and underwater nodes which are attached to the net, the acoustic signals are transmitted and received between array and the nodes, so the position of the nodes can be located. The positioning signal of multiple nodes is m sequence of pseudo random signal, using CDMA technology to distinguish the individual node on the net. Node acoustic transducer is controlled by microcontroller, when a node received the positioning signals transmitted by the array, it will send the address code. Monitoring system determines the coordinates of each node, according to it, the net volume can be calculated and the real-time status of the net can be displayed, so real-time monitoring of the aquaculture process of deep-sea cage is achieved. This system can effectively solve the problem existed in underwater net optical monitoring system, such as small visual range, demanding for high water quality, hard for long-term monitoring and so on, and it can be used for muddy sea water.

Key words: Marine cage aquaculture; sea cage net; monitor; underwater acoustic positioning; USBL



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