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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2015-09-09 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

 陈 虹,张晓君,王艺真
(浙江海洋学院 船舶与海洋工程学院,浙江 舟山 316022)

摘要:拖网渔船作为一种多工况船舶,其拖网状态和自由航行状态的设计要求不尽相同。为了提高该类渔船的燃油利用率,并使主机和螺旋桨的匹配更方便、高效。基于MATLAB 程序语言,开发了采用导管桨(拖网)渔船的机桨匹配设计软件。该软件创建了渔船、导管桨、主机三大数据库后,基于导管桨图谱设计理论,可以完成拖网渔船的机桨匹配设计,并能根据拖网渔船各自的特点分别计算出对应的齿轮箱减速比,同时自动生成机桨匹配设计计算书。通过对42 m级拖网渔船的应用,验证了该软件适用于导管桨拖网渔船,且具有计算精度高、使用方便快捷、使用者上手简单三大优点,因此具有一定的工程应用价值。


The development of software for hull-engine-propeller matching design
CHEN Hong,ZHANG Xiaojun,WANG Yizhen
(School of naval Architecture & Ocean Engineering, Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan Zhejiang 316022, China)

Abstract: Trawlers, as a kind of multiple working condition ship, the requirements of the design of trawling state and the state of navigation are different. In order to increase utilization rate of fuel, better achieve energy conservation and emissions reduction, the matching design of main engine and ducted propeller is very necessary. The design of engine-propeller matching software is based on the MATLAB language. It will be available on multi-operating ducted propeller. We created three databases of fishing boat, ducted propeller, and host engine. Based on the theory of catheter oar map design, the software not only can provide matching design, but also can calculate the reduction ratio of the gear box according to the working condition of the trawler.The final design calculation sheet can be generated at the same time. The newly developed software was tested through 42m trawler. It is verified that the software design has higher precision, easy to use, and some practical engineering value.

Key words: ducted propeller; trawler; matching design of ship engine and propeller; software development



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