孙中之1,许传才2,周 军3,赵振良3,王 俊1,许玉甫3,
庄 申3, 阎 伟1,张海鹏3,陈 孛4,孟维东5
(1 农业部海洋渔业可持续发展重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,山东 青岛 266071;
2 大连海洋大学,辽宁 大连 116023;
3 河北省水产研究所,河北 秦皇岛 066000;
4 农业部黄渤海区渔政局,山东 烟台 264119;
5 河北省渔政处,河北 秦皇岛 066000)
摘要:2010年6—7月和2012年6—8月,利用随机抽样调查方法对黄渤海区的拖网渔业进行了实地调查和现场测量。依据调查资料及有关拖网捕捞分类统计资料,对黄渤海区的拖网渔业进行了研究。结果表明:截止至2012年6月底,三省一市共有拖网渔船12 358艘,其中单拖渔船6 926艘,双拖渔船5 432艘。渔船功率44.1 kW以下的渔船占36.86%,44.1~109.5 kW占30.34%,110.3~219.8 kW占19.41%,220.5~441 kW占12.59%,441 kW以上占0.80%。2003—2011年期间,除2007年外,拖网渔船总量呈下降趋势,渔船总功率呈上升趋势。拖网渔业捕捞产量1999年最高,达271.11万t,此后逐年下降,2011年为201.92万t。拖网是黄渤海区的主要作业方式,当前该海区拖网捕捞强度较大,渔船装备落后。因此,应对三省一市拖网渔业的捕捞强度加以控制,在鼓励拖网渔船改造升级的同时,适当压减拖网渔船的总数量,逐步发展外海拖网渔业。
Current situation and analysis on trawl fishery
in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea area
SUN Zhong-zhi1, XU Zhuan-cai2, ZHOU Jun3, ZHAO Zhen-liang3, WANG Jun1, XU Yu-fu3, ZHUANG Shen3, YAN Wei1, ZHANG Hai-peng3, CHEN Bei4, MENG Wei-dong5
( 1 Key Laboratory of Sustainable Development of Marine Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture, Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China; 2 Dalian Ocean University, Dalian 116023, China; 3 Fisheries Research Institute of Hebei Province, Qinhuangdao 066000, China; 4 Regional Bureau of Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea Fishery Management, Ministry of Agriculture, Yantai 264119 China; 5 Hebei Fishery Department, Qinhuangdao 066000, China )
Abstract: The trawl fishery in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea was studied based on an onsite sampling survey and field measurement of the trawl fishery conducted from June to July in 2010 and from June to August in 2012. Fisheries statistics including landings, fishing gears and methods were obtained from the Chinese Fisheries Yearbook from 1983 to 2011 and the 2009 annual reports by the fishery bureaus of Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong and Tianjin. This study showed that at the end of June 2012, the total number of trawl boats of the three provinces and one municipality was estimated at 12 358, of which 6 926 and 5 432 are single-vessel and double-vessels trawls, respectively. The percentages of the fishing vessels with powers below 44.1 kW, 44.1 kW to 109.5 kW, 110.3 kW to 219.8 kW, 220.5 kW to 441 kW, and above 441 kW were 36.86%, 30.34%, 19.41%, 12.59%, and 0.80%, respectively. With the exception of the rise of the number of trawl boats in 2007, the annual number of trawl boats had been decreasing and the total fishing powers had been raising during 2003 to 2011. There are four types of trawl nets with double-wings and single-cod-end, beam trawl with single-cod-end, beam trawl with several-cod-ends and framework trawl net with single-cod-end. The catch of trawl fishery of the three provinces and one municipality reached the highest of 2 711.1 thousand tons in 1999, and has decreased to 2 019.2 thousand tons in 2011. Trawl fishing is the main fishing operation in the Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea. The comprehensive analysis shows that trawl fishery is over-capitalized in the studied area and many single-vessel and double-vessel are outdated. Thus, the total number and power of trawlers of the three provinces and one municipality (Hebei, Liaoning, Shandong and Tianjin) should be controlled. Measures should be taken to control the total fishing pressure of the trawler fishery of the three provinces and one municipality by reducing the amount of trawlers and encouraging the update of these trawlers to develop off-sea trawl fishery.
Key Words: trawl fishery; fishing vessel; fishing gear; fishing catch; Yellow Sea and Bohai Sea arer
作者简介:孙中之(1956—),男,副研究员,主要从事海洋捕捞、渔具材料、人工鱼礁、鱼类繁育生物学与增养殖技术研究。E-mail: sunzz@ysfri.ac.cn