李 娇1,关长涛1,徐希尧2,黄 滨,崔 勇
(1 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛,266071;
2 青岛北方船舶设备有限责任公司,青岛,266033)
摘要:近两年青岛夏季沿岸浒苔大量出现,为高效完成浒苔打捞工作,在现有船用离心泵和喷射泵的基础上,组装成射流式打捞机,从青岛市小麦岛浒苔收集处采集新鲜浒苔,在水池中进行浒苔打捞试验。结果表明,射流式浒苔打捞装置的工作效率达到7.2 t/h。为了进一步提高装置的工作效率,在原有设备的基础上,对离心泵和喷射泵均进行改进,喷射泵改为双吸口,位于泵体两侧,同时离心泵的入水口也作为浒苔吸口使用,并给出喷射泵主要设计参数。
Design and experiment of Enteromorpha prolifera Jet-Collecting Equipment
LI Jiao, GUAN Chang-tao, XU Xi-yao, HUANG Bin, CUI Yong
( 1 Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fishery Resources, Ministry of Agriculture,
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Qingdao North Ship Engine L.T.D. Co., Qingdao 266033, China )
Abstract: For the last two years, there were large amount of Enteromorpha prolifera off the coast of Qingdao in summer. In order to save labor force and collect Enteromorpha prolifera efficiently, collecting equipment consists of available centrifugal pump used on boat and eject pump. Enteromorpha prolifera were collected from dump. The experiment was done in pool of Qingdao North Ship Engine L.T.D.Co. The result indicates that efficiency of the equipment is 7.2 t/h. In order to increase the efficiency, pumps were improved, eject pump had two inlets, each was located on one side of pump, and the inlet of centrifugal pump was used as one Enteromorpha prolifera inlet. Parameters of eject pump with two inlets were offered.
Key words: Enteromorpha prolifera; jet-colleting equipment; eject pump; centrifugal pump
作者简介:李娇(1982—),女,研究实习员,硕士,研究方向:渔业装备与工程。E-mail: lijiao@ysfri.ac.cn
通讯作者:关长涛(1962—),男,研究员,主要从事设施渔业工程技术研究。E-mail: guanct@ysfri.ac.cn
(《渔业现代化》 2009,36(1),35-37)