(哈尔滨市农业科学院水产研究分院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150070)
摘要:研究了4种养殖密度(30、40、50和60尾/m3)对网箱养殖匙吻鲟稚鱼生长的影响,试验周期为16 d。结果显示:养殖密度对匙吻鲟稚鱼的生长有一定的影响。4个密度组的成活率分别为85.41%、81.66%、76.08%和80.27%。随着养殖密度的增大,终体重、特定生长率、日增重和体重增长率都呈下降趋势,而净增重则呈上升趋势。各密度组匙吻鲟稚鱼的生长表现为不等速生长(b<3),但生长离散没有加剧。从生长效率角度出发,30尾/m3最高,从经济效益角度考虑,60尾/m3产量最高。
Effects of stocking density on growth of juvenile Polyodon spathuln reared in net cage
YUAN Mei-yun, ZOU Zuo-yu, LIU Shuang-feng, LI De-peng, WANG Zu-chen, LV Yan-ling, DONG Hong-wei
(Institute of Fisheries Research, Harbin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Harbin 150070, China)
Abstract: A study on the effect of stocking density on the growth of juvenile Polyodon spathuln reared in net cage was conducted. The initial stocking density was 30, 40, 50 and 60 individuals/m3, respectively. A 16-day rearing experiment was conducted in this study. The results showed stocking density had some effects on the growth of juvenile P. spathuln. The survival rate was 85.41%, 81.66%, 76.08% and 80.27%, respectively. The final body weight, specific growth rate (SGR), daily weight gain (DWG) and weight growth rate (WGR) decreased with the increasing of stocking density, while the net yield (NY) increased with the increasing of stocking density. The growth of juvenile P. spathuln at different stocking density was allometry (b<3). There were no significant difference between the final coefficient of size variation (SV) and initial SV at four stocking density. The growth efficiency of 30 individuals/m3 group was the largest, while the yield of 60 individuals/m3 was the highest.
Key Words: Polyodon spathuln; stocking density; net cage; growth