(江苏中洋集团江苏中润农业发展有限公司,江苏 南通 226600)
Artificial Breeding Technology of Coilia nasus
GUO Zheng-long, YANG Xiao-yu
( Jiangsu Zhongyang Group, Co., Ltd. Nantong 226600, China )
Abstract: After eight years systematic studies, the Zhongyang Group detected the rules of Coilia nasus anadromous reproductive migration, gonadal development and collected the data of water temperature, photoperiod, osmotic pressure, flow intensity and live-prey during the Coilia nasus migratory breeding season. According to the bionic principles, the Zhongyang Group built the modern breeding ponds, promoted fish sexual maturation through regulation and achieve artificial propagation of Coilia nasus. From Mar. 29 to Apr. 8, 2012, four batches bloodstocks were artificial spawned and each batch were successfully fertilized. All the fertilization rates were more than 70% and the highest number of fertilization rate was 80.2%. Average 21 thousand larvae were hatched out from each female.
Key words: Coilia nasus; bloodstock breeding; gonadal development
作者简介:郭正龙(1974—),男,工程师,农学学士,主要从事长江珍稀鱼类工厂化育苗、养殖和病害防治技术研究。E-mail: guozhenglong2008@yahoo.cn
通讯作者:杨小玉(1972—),女,工程师,农学学士,主要从事长江珍稀鱼类工厂化育苗、养殖和病害防治技术研究。E-mail: 706041406@qq.com