任加云 ,李学平1,许兰娟1,于祥2
(1 滨州学院 城市与环境系,滨州,256600;2 滨州学院 山东省黄河三角洲生态环境重点实验室,滨州,256600)
摘 要:研究了多氯联苯(PCB1254)对栉孔扇贝血淋巴三种抗氧化酶(SOD,CAT和GPx)活性、活性氧含量和脂质过氧化(LPO)水平的影响。结果显示:低浓度组(0.5 µg/L和 1.0 µg/L)SOD和GPx活力被多氯联苯显著诱导,而高浓度(10.0 µg/L)处理组,出现先升高后降低的趋势,SOD最后阶段明显被抑制;CAT活力在实验期间非常低;活性氧含量和LPO水平在低浓度组(0.5 µg/L和 1.0 µg/L)变化不明显,而两者在10.0 µg/L的处理组中呈明显上升趋势。研究结果表明高浓度处理组(10.0 µg/L)栉孔扇贝受氧化损伤程度明显。血淋巴中各指标的变化能够反映整个扇贝机体受氧化损伤的程度及其解毒能力。
Study of oxidant damage caused by PCB1254 in haemolymph of the scallop Chlamys ferrari
REN Jia-yun1, LI Xue-ping1,XU Lan-juan1, YU Xiang2
(1 Department of Urban and Environment, Binzhou University of China, Binzhou 256600, China; 2 Key Laboratory of Research Center for Eco-environmental Sciences of Yellow River Delta, Binzhou University of China, Binzhou 256600, China)
Abstract: The effects of PCB1254 on three antioxidants enzymes (SOD,CAT and GPx) activities,ROIs contents and LPO levels of haemolymph of scallop Chlamys ferrari were studied. The results showed that the antioxidants enzymes except CAT were induced significantly of PCB1254 of 0.5µg/L and 1.0µg/L, while SOD activities of PCB1254 of 10.0µg/L were restrained to lower than controls at last time; CAT activities of haemolymph were extremely low during the whole time. ROIs contents and LPO level increased significantly in 10µg/L PCB1254 groups and changed no significant in low concentrations groups. The results indicated that oxidative damage degree caused by PCB1254 of 10.0µg/L is obviously, the antioxidants enzymes were the suitable biomarkers to evaluate the detoxification ability of the scallop Chlamys ferrari, the ROIs contents and LPO levels can reflect the oxidative damage caused by PCB1254 for the scallop directly, the changes of antioxidant enzymes, ROIs contents and LPO level can rightly reflect the detoxification mechanism of the scallop Chlamys ferrari. Antioxidant enzymes activities and LPO levels in haemolymph of scallop Chlamys ferrari could reflect the whole ability of detoxification of the organism as well as the oxidative damage degrees caused by PCB1254,it’s accurate and comprehensive to evaluate the effected mechanism of scallops by PCB1254 used these biomarkers simultaneously.
Key Words: PCB1254;Chlamys ferrari;haemolymph; oxidative damage