张 琴,童 潼,童万平,董兰芳,蒋 艳
(广西壮族自治区海洋研究所,广西海洋生物技术重点实验室,广西 北海 536000)
Effects of dietary protein levels on weight growth and digestive enzyme activities of peanut worm, Sipunculus nudus Linnaeus, larvae
ZHANG Qin,TONG Tong,TONG Wan-ping,DONG Lan-fang,JIANG Yan
(Guangxi Institute of Oceanology, Key Laboratory of Marine Biotechnology of Guangxi, Beihai 536000, China)
Abstract: Effects of dietary protein levels on weight growth and digestive enzyme activities of peanut worm, Sipunculus nudus, Larvae were investigated by feeding 9 isocaloric diets (D1-D9) with 9 protein levels (25.21%, 29.87%, 35.03%, 40.67%, 45.47%, 50.12%, 55.29%, 60.38%, 64.85%) for 8 weeks. The results showed that protein levels significantly affected weight growth of S. nudus larvae (P<0.05). With the increased of dietary protein levels, the weight growth (WG) was firstly increased and then decreased, and the WG of D5 produced the maximum value. The results of digestive enzyme analysis showed that dietary protein levels had significant effects on digestive enzyme activities (P<0.05). With the increasing doses of dietary protein levels, the protease activity was firstly increased and then decreased, and protease activity of D6 produced the maximum value, and was significantly higher than D1 to D5 (P<0.05). Both amylase activity and lipase activity significantly decreased with the increasing doses of dietary protein levels (P<0.05), and activities of amylase and lipase produced the minimum value in the D9 group. From basis on comprehensive analysis on WG, it was concluded that the suitable dietary protein level for S. nudus larvae should be 46.69%.
Key words: peanut worm; dietary protein levels; weight growth; digestive enzyme
作者简介:张琴(1982—),女,副研究员,博士,主要从事水产动物营养与饲料的研究。E-mail: celery996@yahoo.com.cn