孙中之1,柳学周1,徐永江1,曲建忠2,兰功刚2,梁 翻2
(1 农业部海洋渔业资源可持续利用重点开放实验室,中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所,青岛 266071;
2 青岛忠海水产有限公司, 胶南 266414)
摘要:采用实验生态学的方法研究了水温对圆斑星鲽(Verasper variegatus)摄食和生长的影响。试验结果表明:水温对圆斑星鲽生长发育的影响明显,在适宜的水温条件下,圆斑星鲽的生长发育速度是不适宜水温条件下的5倍。圆斑星鲽的适宜摄食温度为15~24 ℃,最佳摄食温度为18~21 ℃,每天的平均摄食率为鱼体重的1%左右。水温<18 ℃或>21 ℃时,摄食量开始迅速下降,到了12 ℃时,摄食率比最高时下降了80%左右,6 ℃时几乎不摄食。2~26 ℃水温是圆斑星鲽养殖生产的安全上下限。
Effects of water temperature on the feeding and
growth of spotted halibut, Verasper variegatus
SUN Zhong–zhi1, LIU Xue-zhou1, XU Yong-jiang1,
QU Jian-zhong2, LAN Gong-gang2, LIANG Fan2
( 1 Key Laboratory for Sustainable Utilization of Marine Fisheries Resource, Ministry of Agriculture,
Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Qingdao 266071, China;
2 Zhonghai Fishery Corporation Limited of Qingdao, Jiaonan 266414, China)
Abstract: Effects of water temperature on the feeding and growth of spotted halibut,Verasper variegatus were studied by means of the experimentation of bio-ecology. It was showed that effects of water temperature on the growth and development of Verasper variegatus in the crucial ecology were significant. On the appropriate temperature conditions, the growth and development rate of Verasper variegatus was 5 times of inappropriate temperature conditions. The suitable feeding temperature of Verasper variegatus was 15-24 ℃, and the optimum temperature was 18-21 ℃. The average daily feeding rate was about 1% of body weight. They began to reduce food intake at water temperature that is lower than 18 ℃ or higher than 21 ℃. To 12 ℃, the ingesting rate was reduced by more than 80% of the highest ingesting rate, at 6 ℃ they were almost non-feeding. The safe water temperature of Verasper variegatus culture is 2-26 ℃.
Key words: Verasper variegatus; water temperature; feeding rate
作者简介:孙中之(1956—),男,副研究员,主要从事工厂化养殖鱼类繁育生物学与增养殖技术研究。E-mail: sunzz@ysfri.ac.cn