(中国水产科学研究院黄海水产研究所, 青岛 266071)
摘要:为开发利用金乌贼(Sepia esculenta Hoyle)资源,研究了金乌贼亲体驯养与繁殖特性。结果表明:通过药浴、自然条件模拟、投喂活饵等方法能够提高金乌贼亲体驯养成活率,成活率可达82.5%;繁殖过程中,金乌贼求偶、争偶、交配、挂卵等繁殖行为特征明显;产卵基受精卵附着效果对比试验表明,海参筐架附卵效果较好, 附卵量大且集中;繁殖过程结束后,金乌贼亲体逐渐死亡,死亡率为100%;并探讨了金乌贼繁育的难点和解决方法。
Study on the broodstock domestication and
propagation characteristics of Sepia esculenta Hoyle
LIU Chang-lin, ZHUANG Zhi-meng, CHEN Si-qing, DENG Yong-sheng
( Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, Qingdao 266071, China )
Abstract: In order to exploit and utilize the resource of the golden cuttlefish, the brood stock domestication and propagation characteristics have been studied. The results indicated that the survival rate of domestication could reach 82.5% through drug treatment, the simulation of natural conditions and fed live bait and other methods; During the reproduction, the characteristics of displaying, fighting, mating and spawning behaviour were obviours; The results of the fertilized eggs attached to the spawning substrate base of comparison test showed that the effect of holothurians larvae attached basket was good, the amount of the eggs attached was large and the eggs were mustered; After the breeding, the golden cuttlefish brood stock went to die gradually, the rate of death was 100%; the difficulty in the breeding of the golden cuttlefish and the resolution have been discussed.
Key words: Sepia esculenta Hoyle; golden cuttlefish; broodstock; domestication; propagation characteristics; spawning substrate
作者简介:刘长琳(1978—),男,研究实习员,主要从事海水鱼类繁育及增养殖技术研究。E-mail: liuchl@ysfri.ac.cn