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作者:管理员    来源:渔机所    发布日期:2009-09-20 00:00    字体大小:【大】【中】【小】

(福建省淡水水产研究所,福建 福州 350002)

摘要:以倒刺鲃(Spinibarbus denticulatus)人工催产、干法人工授精的受精卵在25.0~27.2 ℃条件下孵化的正常初孵仔鱼为对象,参照倒刺鲃繁殖期的水温状况,观察比较了不同水温条件(23℃、25℃、27℃、29℃、31℃)对仔鱼发育进程、生长、存活和饥饿致死时间的影响。结果表明,水温对倒刺鲃仔鱼的发育进程、生长和存活影响显著,仔鱼发育的适宜水温和最适水温范围分别为25~31 ℃和27~29 ℃;水温23~31 ℃时,倒刺鲃仔鱼的饥饿半致死时间为21~12.8 d,仔鱼50%、100%饥饿致死时间与水温之间存在极显著的负相关。对倒刺鲃苗种培育生产的适宜时间进行了探讨。


Effects of water temperature on the larvae development and the time of mortality for starvation larvae of Spinibarbus denticulatus
HUANG Hong-gui
(Fresh-water Fisheries Research Institute of Fujian Province,Fujian Fuzhou 350002,China)

Abstract:The fertilized eggs obtained by mean of dry artificial fertilization were incubated artificially at the water temperature of 25.0~27.2 ℃. The development progress and growth and survial and also the time of mortality for starvation of newly hatched larvae of Spinibarbus denticulatus were observed at different water temperature of 23, 25, 27, 29 and 31 ℃ according to the water temperature of its spawning season. The results showed that the development progress and growth and survival of larvae were affected significantly by water temperature. The suitable and most suitable water temperature range for development of larvae were 25~31 ℃ and 27~29 ℃ respectively. The time of 50% mortality for starvation were 21~12.8 d at the water temperature of 23 ~31 ℃. There was most significant negative correlation between the time of 50% and 100% mortality for the starvation larvae and water temperature. In addition, the suitable time for fry production of S. denticulatus was also discussed in this paper.

Key words:Spinibarbus denticulatus;water temperature;larvae development;time of mortality for starvation





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