(浙江省淡水水产研究所,湖州 313001)
摘要:为克服用传统的孵化缸、环道进行鱼卵孵化时水温、水质变化对鱼卵孵化的影响,自行研制了悬浮式曝气孵化器,并用该孵化器进行了花鱼骨(Hemibarbus maculatus Bleeker)、青鱼(Mylopharyngodon piceus Richardson)的孵化试验,探讨孵化过程中pH、溶氧、氨氮、亚硝酸盐氮等指标的变化情况,计算出苗率。结果表明:在孵化过程中,pH和亚硝酸盐氮基本不变,氨氮从0.156 mg/L上升至1.870 mg/L,溶氧最低点出现在鱼苗出齐时,为4.6 mg/L。花鱼骨的出苗率为86.0%,青鱼的出苗率为84.0%~86.0%,与传统的冲水式孵化缸没有差别。
Trials on fry hatching with a suspending and air-supplying fish hatcher
MI Guo-Qiang, LIAN Qing-Ping, WEI Xiao-Hang
( Zhejiang Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, Huzhou 313001,China )
Abstract: The fluctuating water temperatures and water qualities in a hatching jar or circular cement hatchery during the hatching period of fish eggs may have side effect on fish egg hatching. To overcome the shortcomings of the traditional hatching devices, a new suspending device with air supplying was designed for the purpose of incubating fish eggs and hatching trials on Hemibarbus maculates and black carp (Mylopharyngodon piceus) were carried out. Water quality index such as pH value, dissolved oxygen, ammonia nitrogen, nitrite nitrogen, etc. in the fish hatcher were monitored during the hatching process. Fry hatching-out rates were calculated. The results showed, the pH value and nitrite nitrogen level were basically stable throughout the hatching duration, while ammonia nitrogen level were increasing from 0.156 mg/L to 1.870 mg/L; the lowest dissolved oxygen point was monitored as 4.6 mg/L at the time when all fry were hatched out; the fry hatching-out rates were observed to be 86.0% and 84.0%~86.0% for Hemibarbus maculates and black carp respectively, which were not of much difference from that of the traditional hatching jar, a water-flow through device.
Key words: fish hatcher; fry hatching-out rate; suspending; air supply; trial
作者简介:宓国强(1960—),男,高级工程师,主要从事水产种质资源与新品种开发研究。E-mail: zjmgq@163.com