刘 晃
Elimination mechanism of the wooden fishing vessel
LIU Huang
(Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: The wooden fishing vessel occupies a considerable proportion in China. There are too old, too small, type chaotic, poor performance, poor safety, higher energy consumption, higher maintenance cost, higher forest resources cost etc. This does not accord with the requirement of development of modern fishing vessel. The paper analyzing the fishing management policies at present, which indicates that the fishing management laws and regulations is not perfect, difficult to into the system, and incongruity between management systems, lack of operable fishing vessel mandatory scrapping system, and research lag, upgrading the lack of technical support. The paper suggest building wooden fishing vessel elimination mechanism policies that it is to promote the fishery law revision, and set up system to improve the fishing vessel out of and restrictions on building wooden fishing vessel, and increase subsidies for wooden fishing vessel dismantling and update. The renewal and transformation of wooden fishing vessel technology research and development, and promote the upgrading wooden fishing vessel.
Key words:fishing vessel;marine fishing;management policies