(广东海洋大学 海洋经济与管理研究中心,广东 湛江,524088)
Research comment on sustainable utilization of domestic marine resources in recent years
BAI Fu-chen, JIA Bao-lin
( Research Centre of Marine Economic and Management, Guangdong Ocean University,
Zhanjiang Guangdong 524088, China )
Abstract: With the exploitations on development of marine resources, the researches on sustainable utilization of marine resources had become increasingly abundant. Researches are developing vigorously on research theories in every field, and the empirical research had made considerable headway. The relative ocean law, ocean management and policy research had also made progress. In future, it still needs to make a further coherence on focus of research, pay attention to development and utilization on research of market entity, and adopt modern theory and quantitative analysis, to push ahead incessant development on research of sustainable development of marine resources continuously.
Key words: marine resources; sustainable utilization; research comment
作者简介:白福臣(1962—),男,教授,硕士,研究方向:海洋经济、海洋产业与可持续发展。E-mail: gdbfc@yahoo.cn