徐 皓,赵新颖,刘 晃,谌志新,梁建生
(农业部渔业装备与工程技术重点实验室,中国水产科学研究院渔业机械仪器研究所,上海 200092)
摘 要:阐述了我国渔船发展的现状:捕捞渔船数量多、规模大、能耗高,木质渔船仍是捕捞渔船的主体;渔船玻璃钢化具备了一定的技术和产业基础,但发展滞缓;远洋渔船建造技术基础初步形成;船型优化技术研究与应用取得成效。指出了我国渔船装备存在的主要问题:渔船装备老化现象严重;船型杂乱;主机配置及船机桨匹配差异大;玻璃钢渔船推广应用难度较大;过洋性作业渔船装备面临升级换代;大洋性作业渔船整体性能落后。提出了发展战略:重点推进近海渔船“以小置大、以钢代木”工程,实施标准化升级改造;加快实施远洋渔船装备国产化进程;发展现代化科学考察船和渔政管理船;鼓励发展海上养殖渔船与休闲垂钓渔船。
Study on management strategy of fishing vessels development in China
XU Hao,ZHAO Xin-ying,LIU Huang,CHEN Zhi-xin,LIANG Jian-sheng
(Key Laboratory of Fishery Equipment and Engineering, Ministry of Agriculture; Fishery Machinery and Instrument Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences, Shanghai 200092,China )
Abstract: The present status of Chinese fishing vessels are large number, large scale, and high energy consumption; wooden fishing boats are still the main part of the fishing vessels; fiberglass fishing boat with a certain amount of technology and industrial base, but the development is still stagnated; the basis construction technology of ocean fishing vessel is initial formation; ship optimization technology research and application get some achievement .The main problems of fishing boats and equipment in China are serious aging; vessel hull forms clutter; match of engine configuration, and match of ship, machine, propeller have big differences; promote the application of fiberglass fishing boats is quite difficult; ocean fishing vessels and equipment upgrading; the overall performance of pelagic fishing vessels fall behind. The development strategy are: focus on promoting offshore fishing boat “replacing small fishing vessels with large,and wood with steel works”; the implementation of standardized upgrade; accelerate the implementation of the process of offshore fishing vessels and equipment; the development of modern scientific research vessel and fishery administration vessel; encourage the development of mariculture vessels and recreational fishing vessels.
Key words: ocean fishing vessels; status quo and problems; development strategy
作者简介:徐皓(1962—),男,研究员,研究方向:渔业装备与工程。E-mail: xuhao@www.duplicityduo.com