(中国水产科学研究院东海水产研究所,上海 200090)
摘 要:良好的水域生态环境是水生生物赖以生存和繁衍的最基本的条件,是渔业发展的命脉。目前我国渔业水域生态环境不断恶化,渔业水域生态系统的结构与功能正在受到不同程度的影响和破坏。本文根据全国渔业生态环境监测网2006年的监测结果和近年在渔业水域开展的生态环境养护研究工作,概要分析我国渔业水域生态环境现状、面临的主要问题及养护研究现状,提出中长期内渔业水域生态环境保护领域应围绕渔业水域生态环境质量的诊断与评估技术、渔业污染生态学和环境安全评价技术、清洁养殖与退化水域生态系统修复技术和渔业生态环境质量管理技术等主要研究方向开展的重点研究内容。
Status and prospects for fishery ecological environment maintenance research in China
SHEN Xin-qiang
(East China Sea Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fishery Sciences,
Shanghai 200090, China)
Abstract: A healthy aquatic ecological environment is not only the most basic condition for aquatic organism to live and multiply, but also the lifeblood for the fishery development. At present, the environment quality of fishery waters in China has been continually deteriorated, structure and function of fishery aquatic ecosystem have been influenced and destroyed to different extents. Based on the monitoring results of Chinese Fishery Eco-environment Monitoring Net in 2006 and the fishery eco-environment maintenance research works in recent years, the status of fishery aquatic eco-environment in China, the existing main problems and the present maintenance research were briefly analyzed. It is pointed out that the important study task in fishery eco-environment protection field in the middle and long terms should be developed around diagnostic and evaluative techniques of fishery eco-environment quality, assessment techniques for fishery pollution ecology and environment security, restoration techniques of cultured and degenerated aquatic ecosystem, and managing techniques of fishery eco-environment quality.
Key words: fishery eco-environment; maintenance; status; prospect
(来源:《渔业现代化》 2008,35(1),53-57)