王 玮,韩梦遐
摘要:由于养殖池塘水体受温度、气压、光合作用、盐度、养殖鱼类等多种因素影响而不断发生变化,使涌浪机的质量较难定量分析。为了制定切实可行的涌浪机行业标准,开展了涌浪机标准参数的研究。试验参考了《SC/T 6009增氧机增氧能力试验方法》的标准检测程序,利用实验室直径8.0 m的标准水池作为试验平台,试验水温20oC,气压101.325 kPa,初始溶氧浓度为0 mg/L,试验用水为自来水,对3种涌浪机进行对比试验研究。结果表明,净浮力、绝缘电阻等基本参数用增氧机标准评判仍然可行;空载噪声、增氧能力、动力效率等参数变化较大;宜增加提水能力和造浪强度参数,以适应对涌浪机的评判。
Research on the standard parameters of wave aerator
WANG Wei, HAN Mengxia
(Fishery Machinery And Instrument Reserch Institute, Chinece Academy of Fishery Scinces,Shanghai 200092, China)
Abstract: It is difficult to quantitatively analyze the performance of wave aerator, due to thefactthat the water in culture pond constantly changes with various factors such as temperature, air pressure, photosynthesis, salinity and farmed species, etc. we carried out the research on the standard parameters of wave aerator in order to develop its practical and feasible industry standard. Using the eight-meter diameter laboratory standard tank as a testing platform, the experiment was conducted at 20oCwater temperature, 101.325kPa air pressure, and 0mg/L initial concentration of dissolved oxygen, by reference to the standard testing procedure described in the "SC/T 6009 1999 Test methods of oxygen-enriched capacity for aerator". The comparative experiment was done for three types of wave aerators in clean water. The experiment results showed that it was still feasible to judge the basic parameters such as net buoyancy rate and insulation resistivity by using the criteria of aerator; and the other parameters such as no-load noise, oxygen transfer capacity and power efficiency changed greatly; the parameter values of water-lifting capacity and wave-generating intensity should be increased to meet the requirements of wave aerator judgment.
Key words: wave aerator; industry standard; parameter; testing