高 健1,林捷敏1,任淑华2
(1 上海海洋大学经济管理学院,上海 201306;2 浙江海洋学院,舟山 316000)
Economic analysis and policy suggestion of large yellow croaker farming
GAO Jian1, LIN Jie-min1, REN Shu-hua 2
( 1 Shanghai Ocean University, Shanghai 201306, China; 2 Zhejiang Ocean University, Zhoushan 316000, China )
Abstract: Economic analysis and policies of the regulation on negative externality of cage culture are discussed in the paper, choosing the cage culture of large yellow croaker as the empirical object. Based on an empirical study on 3 cases of San du ao Seas, the paper selected formal methods to research the possible pollutant source brought by the cage culture and countermeasures. The survey indicates that such marine cage culture characterized in highly centralization of cage layout, relying on public ponds as the basis of industrial development resources and excessive feeding which leads to wastage. These four features are easy to bring obvious negative externalities and consume huge social cost. From an economic view, the authors analyzed the mechanism of production of social cost and pointed out some suggestions, such as strengthening the basic technological research of faming as well as economic estimation of farming environment, ensuring reasonable farming scale and layout of farming cage, establishing necessary entering and exiting mechanism, and advancing the organization scale of farming activities.
Key words: large yellow croaker; cage farming; economic analysis of farming pollution
作者简介:高健(1958—),男,教授,博导,主要从事海洋与渔业经济研究。E-mail: jgao@shou.edu.cn